Mazenod Council

Date: May 16, 2014
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â?¢ Lesotho
â?¢ Mazenod A06
â?¢ Gender champion: â??Mâ??e â??Mateboho Nalane
â?¢ Gender focal person: Teboho Kabi
â?¢ Baseline score: 53
â?¢ Progress score: 27
â?¢ Latest score: 80
â?¢ Number of women and men in council management: women 1, men 4. Total number of employees: 7, women 3, men 4.
â?¢ Population served: 50 533
â?¢ Mazenod A06 council is found in Maseru district about 20 km from the capital town. It shares boundaries with Mohlakeng A05 council, Lilala A07 and Makhoarane A08.
Before the council joined Gender Links there was no plan on gender issues. When the council committee was elected they were not gender sensitive because the council was not aware of gender issues, not because they were not interested in gender equality. No issues in the society were addressed based on gender equality.
There was a need to get the figures of men and women who were assisted.
After the council joined Gender Links, they became educated on gender equality issues and included them in their work plan. They designed a policy on gender and implemented the policy. The council talks of HIV and AIDS issues and climate change at all council meetings and public gatherings. The council has a councillor and an official who focus on HIV and AIDS. The council has figures of women who are infected and where they get their medication. The council has developed a sub-committee on HIV and AIDS with the help of Motolong. There is a football tournament which will be held during Easter to encourage women and men to get tested.
â?¢ To support councillors and the community on gender equality
â?¢ Research on the councilâ??s involvement in gender
â?¢ Train the council on gender issues and disseminate information

â?¢ SADC gender protocol
â?¢ Education of councillors and officials to increase knowledge
â?¢ Follow up on issues
â?¢ Innovation
â?¢ Visits to other councils to discuss gender issues
â?¢ To include prevention of air pollution in all council meetings
â?¢ Educate people on laws relating to marriage, gender and inheritance.
â?¢ HIV and AIDS education
â?¢ To motivate community members to be involved in gender issues e.g. 16 days of activism

Download : 18649_mainapplicationlesothocoe-lgvtteboho-kabijh0514.docx

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