Men in Action Against Violence and Abuse capacitate men and boys to end gender based violence

Men in Action Against Violence and Abuse capacitate men and boys to end gender based violence

Date: May 12, 2014
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It was in November 2012 during the 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign that I approached a group of men at a support group in Mbabane. I brought the idea of a men`s organization that will complement the efforts by other organizations to end violence and women empowerment initiatives. That was when the Men in Action Against Violence was born, an organization that sets to bring in the male involvement aspect to the gender movement capacitating men and boys to end violence and also teach them about versions of manhood that are not violent.

Our target as an organization is to analyse discriminatory cultural and religious practices that may cause men and boys to be violent. We do this through dialogues and workshops where we encourage men and boys to work as partners with women to end violence and as well as the active fight against HIV and AIDS which cannot be separated from gender based violence. Many of the conditions that allow HIV to spread result from a systematic misuse of male power and range all the way to male`s violence against women resulting to sexual coercion and abuse. We have a program called Áƒ ¬nkunzi isematholeni`a program where young men are trained on masculinity and how they can be men without using violent means of manhood. We believe that when the young men are trained and socialised to have good relationships with girls they can grow to be responsible and none violent men. In one of our workshops over 30 young men were trained on gender based violence, positive masculinity and gender stereo type. After the workshops the young men were able to come up with their own charter making a commitment to end gender based violence. We also seek to raise positive male role models.

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