Mobilizing traditional leaders in practice: Challenging Female Genital Mutilation, HIV and Gender Based Violence in the communities

Mobilizing traditional leaders in practice: Challenging Female Genital Mutilation, HIV and Gender Based Violence in the communities

Date: March 26, 2014
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ACT â € “ Mara Diocese is working in collaboration with the Local Government authority in the implementation of our activities to the communities. The organization is also attending different meetings in the District council for development issues.
When the organization and the government have different views on implementing the Protocol: We used to share with other actors about the issue, while lobbying to the district on how to handle the issues by sticking to the laws, policies and human rights.
By negotiating the issue with different leaders as from Village to the District. Sometimes we are using media to support us to deliver the message for the immediately action.
For example in one of the village, the chairman of the village took her daughter to undergo the FGM, we reported to the police near the village, but the police in charge is a friend of village chairman, so he ignore to take action. Then we reported to the District police officer plus using the media to report the issue. District police officer worked with the issue immediately after the radio report.
Working with partners brings common understand with one sound to push government to work on some issues easily, but support the implementation of prevention of Gender Based Violence to the communities that all partners have one voice in the identified issue. It is intended to inspire and guide other partners to be committed to engaging more efforts to address Gender Based Violence or other issues.
Other lesson learnt: FGM law is not working, because normally when the parents are caught by the police, then taken to the court but at the end no anyone who is punished. So FGM law needs to be improved to allow the punishment when taken to the court.
Some of the Doctors in the villages, afraid to examine people who experienced GBV like rape, because they cannot manage to attend to the court every time during the case because they donâ € ™t have that budget. So they refuse to do examination to the patient.
Involving Traditional leaders in fighting and prevention of FGM and other harmful traditional practices is very important to the communities to stop Gender Based Violence.

How will these result in new approaches in the future?
FGM law needs some improvement to be exercised at final to allow punishment to parents who take their children to undergo Female Genital Mutilation.
Government should set aside the budget to support doctors who will be needed to attend to the court to report the examination conducted for raped person etc. By doing this will motivate doctors to attend to the courts but also not using their own money for transport, accommodation and lunch.
Marriage law should be revised to avoid the contradictions of ages of a girl to be married while still a child.
Involving traditional leaders at beginning of the project implementation to prevent harmful traditional practices contributes the spread of HIV and Gender Based Violence is of importance

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Mobilizing traditional leaders in practice: Challenging Female Genital Mutilation, HIV and Gender Based Violence in the communities

Mobilizing traditional leaders in practice: Challenging Female Genital Mutilation, HIV and Gender Based Violence in the communities

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ACT â € “ Mara Diocese is working in collaboration with the Local Government authority in the implementation of our activities to the communities. The organization is also attending different meetings in the District council for development issues.
When the organization and the government have different views on implementing the Protocol: We used to share with other actors about the issue, while lobbying to the district on how to handle the issues by sticking to the laws, policies and human rights.
By negotiating the issue with different leaders as from Village to the District. Sometimes we are using media to support us to deliver the message for the immediately action.
For example in one of the village, the chairman of the village took her daughter to undergo the FGM, we reported to the police near the village, but the police in charge is a friend of village chairman, so he ignore to take action. Then we reported to the District police officer plus using the media to report the issue. District police officer worked with the issue immediately after the radio report.
Working with partners brings common understand with one sound to push government to work on some issues easily, but support the implementation of prevention of Gender Based Violence to the communities that all partners have one voice in the identified issue. It is intended to inspire and guide other partners to be committed to engaging more efforts to address Gender Based Violence or other issues.
Other lesson learnt: FGM law is not working, because normally when the parents are caught by the police, then taken to the court but at the end no anyone who is punished. So FGM law needs to be improved to allow the punishment when taken to the court.
Some of the Doctors in the villages, afraid to examine people who experienced GBV like rape, because they cannot manage to attend to the court every time during the case because they donâ € ™t have that budget. So they refuse to do examination to the patient.
Involving Traditional leaders in fighting and prevention of FGM and other harmful traditional practices is very important to the communities to stop Gender Based Violence.

How will these result in new approaches in the future?
FGM law needs some improvement to be exercised at final to allow punishment to parents who take their children to undergo Female Genital Mutilation.
Government should set aside the budget to support doctors who will be needed to attend to the court to report the examination conducted for raped person etc. By doing this will motivate doctors to attend to the courts but also not using their own money for transport, accommodation and lunch.
Marriage law should be revised to avoid the contradictions of ages of a girl to be married while still a child.
Involving traditional leaders at beginning of the project implementation to prevent harmful traditional practices contributes the spread of HIV and Gender Based Violence is of importance

Download : 18850_2014sadcgenderprotocalallianceandcoalitiononbuildingapplicationfborhobisamwelly.doc

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