Date: May 25, 2015
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A fifty-fifty representation in every decision making body thwarts the problems associated with patriarchy. Besides helping in fighting gender inequality and all the problems associated with this social mayhem with regards to sexes, it also helps in fighting the culturally inherited bad practices and behaviours which does not only violate the rights of the weaker and socially disadvantaged groups but also perpetuates the gap between various societal groups, for instance in some cultures in Zimbabwe it a taboo for woman to stand in front of men chairing a meeting. In order to eradicate these culturally inherited bad practices and beliefs, there is therefore need to promote the good practice of a fifty-fifty equal representation in decision making bodies right at the grassroots. As a good practice I encouraged parents within my ward to send their both children to school regardless of the economic challenges prevailing. I also encouraged parents to allow their girl child to take part in extra curriculum activities as the boys do. This will eliminate the chances of girls being socialised to do household chores while boys are given enough time to pursue their talents.

I have also encouraged parents to support their children in their endeavours to pursue trades that were previously known to be male trades. For example a girl child may want to do Building as a subject at school. Parents should be seen to support their children no matter they are not familiar with the territory.

I have also advocated for the inclusion of the same number of girls as boys in the selection of prefects in schools. This system I have pressed that it be applied in the selection of clubs chairpersons, class monitors.

There is a stereotyping in the selection of subjects in schools where Fashion & fabric is intended for girls and wood work and building is reserved for boys. This I have educated the teachers that it has to stop. Pupils should be allowed to select the subjects they want and still the numbers permissible per subject should be equal.

I have also sensitised women in my ward to encourage and support one another to go to school, take up leadership positions and engage in economic activities for self-sustenance. Leadership position in the ward such as water point committees, church, GESI. WASH champions etc.

Fifty –Fifty representations in every decision making will help in the formulation of gender-friendly, youth friendly and child friendly policies, as these groups are considered to be the socially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. There is need to sensitise women on the importance of supporting one another hence the saying “education a woman educate a nation ” in order to achieve total women emancipation.

Download : 20925_zimfiftyfiftyandpost-2015tapera-yovani.docx


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