Oshikuku council educate the community of gender based violence.

Oshikuku council educate the community of gender based violence.

Date: May 22, 2015
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Gender Links country facilitator conducted meetings with councilors and management of municipality. Council accepts and adopted the COE concept. The signing of memorandum of understanding takes place between council and Gender links Namibia. Councilors as politicians are supporting the staff for gender mainstreaming in local authority. Councilors, staff and community has go through all stages on training.Council hall were events and community meeting are held.
Developing new open market Drop zone allocated in front of the open market.Mass housing and NHE (completed) waiting to be allocated to 75 people.
? Shake dwells housing this are owed by women.
Two lodges completed and one still under construction.
Fire brigade station is advertised and will be constructed underway

Download : 20630_oshikuku-lg-coe-applicationclm032015-1.docx

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