Date: May 22, 2015
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The question of unequal power relating between men and women remains an obstacle to gender equality, especially with regard to violence against women. Another crucial point is the role of men and women in preventing HIV infection among women and girls, especially having in mind the asymmetric power relating between men and women and women s subordination and vulnerability to discrimination ,so in this program the victim talks about adult as are of cause of gender basic violence , and says partner should know their spouses enough before they get married to them and always deal with situation in a truthful manner so this program was program was produced to deal with the problems of gender basic violence power relations in homes , communication and negotiation skills in homes ,stopping spreading of HIV/AIDS trust in homes as well as faithfulness

This program the victims says that sometimes gender basic violence is caused by men overspending their salaries in drinking alcohol and coming home drunk while the children and wives are hungry .Its shows that men are not aware of their responsibilities in this program is urging the public “for a need for a re-assessment of the roles responsibilities of women and men of stereotypical and traditional gender roles, and existing relating between men and women. ”

Key objectives*
To empower women and men on gender issues such as policies, economic empowerment, legal rights, health and other rights.

Targets audience*
• I hope to reach all stakeholders in this issue, the family members, traditional leaders, men and women societies ’ organization, gender offices and everyone who is affected by this issue.
• Process/methodology*
• I got to hear about this workshop / seminar by our District officer who stays in Kasane .
• I choose this source person because of her desire to help women and change people s situation s in marriage. Her voice was very important because she was the resource person at this seminar and also too has gone through this.
• Even though I did not interview any male person in this program , she mentioned that she sometimes gets to speak to men ass well on this issue of gender violence and gets to understand their perspectives and help them solve their problems . so in this way the program represented women and men s perspective on the mentioned issue.

• Even though I might not be submitting any evidence now of who I reached, I had people calling to ask for relevant offices for help, some playing witness to what the victim was saying and that she made a good decision by walking out and now helping in addressing the situation.

Follow up*

I will do the follow up by interviewing people who took part in the workshop by taking a trip to Kasane , to go and talk to them at their area so as to make them comfortable . This also helps in assessing the impact of this seminar and whether messages go

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