Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children

Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children

Date: May 9, 2014
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Intimate partner violence is a serious social problem that has been gaining public concern both in the South African society and around the globe over the past few decades. Domestic violence not only influences one’s physical and mental health, but it also has profound effects on one’s social functioning, welfare, and legal status.
Fragmented approaches to the formulation of preventative strategies may only touch on the surface of individual disciplines, and therefore hamper their overall effectiveness. Integrated approaches that involves a multi sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach are more effective in tackling the problem.
The Saartjie Baartman Centre was the first multi-disciplinary service (one-stop) centre for abused women and children in South Africa. The opportunity created facilitated organisations coming together as partners to develop an appropriate on-site multi-agency service delivery model for the effective management, treatment and prevention of violence against women and children. It also ensures a partnership approach between government departments and the non-governmental sector.
Our strength and emphasis rests on working in partnership – promoting inclusiveness, dialogue, shared responsibility, an integrated approach and joint decision making.
Our purpose is to offer an integrated range of services on a continuum of care, to reduce secondary traumatisation of the survivors and facilitate a recovery and healing process through the provision of high quality comprehensive services.

Download : 18566_saartjie-baartman-gbv-application-form-shaheema-mcloed.docx

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