South Africa #VoiceandChoice Summit 2019
Local Action for a strong 2030 A-gender in Southern Africa!
VENUE: Kopanong Hotel & Conference Centre, Benoni
DATE: 27-28 June 2019
Executive summary
This report offers a summary of the events that took place at the South Africa #VoiceandChoice Summit held at Kopanong hotel and conference centre, Benoni Johannesburg from 27-28 June 2019 under the banner #VoiceandChoice Local Action for a strong 2030 A-gender in Southern Africa! The summit brought together 62 participants with partners from local government, media and the Alliance Partners under the categories #VoiceandChoice Action Awards, Youth Award, Media Awards, Drivers of Change Awards, Sunrise campaign and the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government.
· The summit was held on 27-28 June at Kopanong Hotel & Conference Centre in Benoni, Johannesburg.
· The summit brought together 62 participants, 6 men and 56 women from local government institutions, media, government and civil society organisations. · 62 presentations were made by the participants in 8 different categories · There were 9 judges, 2 men and 7 women · There were 7 female winners and 8 female runner ups · There were 2 male winners · There were 6 GL staff members at the summit · There was a total of 3 Facebook posts with 1628 likes, 7 comments and 6 shares · And there were 3 Tweets retweets
The summit was two days long. The first day consisted of the official opening ceremony which entailed speeches from the Gender Links Advisor Kubi Rama who also directed the programme (see Annex A for the programme). There was a brief overview of the SADC gender protocol and parallel sessions for participants were assigned. An award ceremony was held on the evening of the second day of the summit to announce the winners of the different categories.
Summit process
The Pre-summit meeting was held at the GL Cottages from 26-29 May 2019. The meeting brought together local government and civil society. The participants attended the launch of the Women’s Voice & Leadership Fund held on 28 May at the Women’s Jail at Constitutional Hill. The programme of the meeting and the launch are attached in Annex B & C
Day 1: Registration and Plenary: Summit Launch
Registration to the Voice and Choice Summit started promptly at 8am on the morning of Thursday 27 June 2019 seeing participants from Limpopo, the Western Cape and Gauteng. The Gender Links Advisor Kubi Rama welcomed the participants to the summit and proceeded to the objectives of the plenary and of the summit. The Head of the SRHR and Governance Programme, Sifisosami Dube presented the #VoiceandChoice campaign. The presentation was followed by the overview of the process and the assigning of the parallel sessions for the day.
Day 1 Plenary session
Day 2 Plenary session #VoiceandChoice and 50/50
The Programme Director for day two plenary was the Gender Links Board Member Mbuyiselo Botha. He welcomed the participants and other partners in the room to the second day of the summit, he spoke about the need for participants to continue the work that that they are doing despite the challenges they may be facing in their different provinces.
The first speaker for the day was Nomthandazo Mankazana Mokoa, Grants Coordinator for the Women’s Voice & Leadership did overview of the Women, gave and informative presentation about the new Canadian funded project called Women’s Voice and Leadership which seeks to build the capacity and activities of local women’s organisations and movements, empower women and girls and advance the protection of women’s and girls’ rights and to achieve gender equality. Participants were excited to hear about the project saying that their projects will finally get financial support as they run them on a low or no budgets at all. Speaking during the presentation, Nomthi said GL together with the Canadian government hope to bring change and assist the women lead organisations through this funding.
Launching the Gender Audit of the May 2019 South Africa elections by Kubi Rama, Advisor, Gender Links
These are the key findings of the Gender Links (GL) Gender Audit of the 2019 South Africa elections, where we probe the numbers but also ask: beyond numbers, how far have we come in creating a more gender responsive state? South Africa broke new ground in the 2019 elections with 46% women in the House of Assembly and provincial legislatures and 50% women in cabinet. All the speakers in the national and provincial legislatures are women. Women voters continued to predominate. Yet the goal of gender parity remained elusive in political party leadership; the upper house and among women premiers. President Cyril Ramaphosa missed a golden opportunity to appoint a woman vice president. A glaring indicator in women’s lack of voice in public affairs is the decline in women sources in the media, from 25% in the 2014 elections to 20% in the 2019 elections.
Summit gala dinner and awards
On the evening of Day 2 there was a gala dinner held to celebrate the successful summit and to award the best practises for their presentations. The key note speaker Tinyiko Lebogang Shikwambabe who is known by asking the President of the country “Mr president how many centimetres is your commitment in ending Gender based violence”. At the award, giving ceremony the keynote speaker Tinyiko Shikwambane from #The TotalShutDown reminded the participants that they are all winners in their different fields. She also applauded them for being drivers of change in their communities. “The work you do is tiring it feels unseen yet makes a huge impact in people’s lives,” said Shikwambane. She pleaded with the participants to support each other and take care of the networks the summit creates, saying that relationship building is key to growing the kind of work they do. She indicated that Gender work, Gender activism is still relevant, and on the ground, it is happening radically. She commended Gender Links for their work and awarding good practices from the local grassroots organisations.
The ceremony ended with awards being given to participant’s festivities with a gala dinner and dancing.
The summit had three parallel sessions a was judged by a panel of three judges. The section below summaries each of the winners from the sessions.
Parallel session one winners and runners up
Session on #Voice and choice action – SRHR | |
Rapporteur | Aobakwe Kgwete |
Judge 1 and session chair | Pravienna Naidoo |
Judge 2 | Esther Meletse |
Judge 3 | Muzi Mbonani |
Winner: Nontyatyambo Makapela, Sister Love International SA
iSTARSHIPP (Innovation Strategies for Those at Risk Seeking High Impact Prevention and PrEP) is the flagship project implemented in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal from 2017. It utilises a basket of innovative strategies to engage adolescents and youth on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SHRHR) focusing on access to services and age-appropriate information.
The project aims to achieve the following objectives to strengthen capacity of community based organisations (CBOs) to incorporate and deliver enhanced high impact HIV prevention services to adolescents and youth. To increase access and linkages to community-based HST and prevention services for adolescent girls and boys.
The project is implemented through the following intervention Healthy Love Parties workshops (HLPs) for adolescent girls and boys as well as young women and men and activities prevention options for women at risk (POWaR) focus group discussions.
Winner: Rosina Ngobeni, Bulamahlo Home Based Care
The objectives of the project are to engage the society in playing an active role to fight the plight of HIV/AIDS, provide support for OVC’S and their guardians to promote independence. To provide prevention, care and support for the disabled and substance abusers. To monitor and give support to victims of abuse. To aid in educational support for struggling learners.
Their challenges include a Lack of funds, high rate of unemployment, inadequate structure, safe places are no longer safe and narcotics abuse. The lessons learnt It is not about how much you have in your pocket, but rather what you have in your heart, perseverance is the mother of success, if people join together they can overcome anything and that God will never give you a challenge that will kill you.
Runner up: David Marcus
To ensure social equality, Piet Julies Aids Action Group started a program that focus on addressing Social equality within a specific group (Adolescents 12-24 years old) that have the same status in certain respects, including civil right, freedom of speech and equal access to goods and services with special focus on Sexual Reproductive Health Services.
The program aims to provide a comprehensive service to the adolescents, which include prevention, education, treatment, care. The program focusses on menstrual health, contraception and family planning, maternal health, comprehensive sexual education and services, teenage pregnancies, safe abortion counselling, HIV/AIDS and sexual diversity.
The program is successful in 2 of the 7 high schools in Mossel Bay. We need to expand (with funding), to each year add one additional high school as part of the program. The program needs to put more emphases on the RIGHTS of the GIRL CHILD and need to seek opportunities for partnerships and funders to take hands in this program.
Session on #Voice and choice action – Climate change & sustainable development | |
Rapporteur | Aobakwe Kgwete |
Judge 1 and session chair | Pravienna Naidoo |
Judge 2 | Esther Meletse |
Judge 3 | Muzi Mbonani |
Winner Ruth Sethosa, Re Tla Kgona Disability Centre
Re tla kgona Disability started in 2012 August, it was situated at Moletjie Ga- Mabiloane in Polokwane. This centre was opened to accommodate people with disabilities. They must be visible to take part in the community. We have 88 disabled people, 58 women and 30 men. We decided to do vegetable garden to provide vegetables to the community.
The challenges include, lack of funds and water, negative influences from the community, neglect of disability people by family members. Lessons: Farmers Day-How to cultivate, survive and marketing and with regards to Exposure day- experience of farming and to deliver best vegetables to the market.
Session on #Voice and choice action – Economic justice & education | |
Rapporteur | Aobakwe Kgwete |
Judge 1 and session chair | Pravienna Naidoo |
Judge 2 | Esther Meletse |
Judge 3 | Muzi Mbonani |
Winner: Sylvia Monyela, Matlakhu Creche
My name is Sylvia Monyela, I was born on the 1st January 1978. I employed at Mathlaku Creche as an Early Childhood Development practitioner of graduate’s children. We registered 37 girls and 40 boys in our crèche. I teach school readiness group.
The crèche has never received funding from the government departments, when we ask the social workers, they told us that our centre is high in standard, but they are not aware that they neglect the child which has the right to eat at R15 per day per child. Before attending this summit, I was having female committee only, I started to encourage the male parents to come for the selection, we are now having males in our management committee.
For our sustainability model includes we plant orange trees, mango trees, grape trees and vegetable garden which brings an income at the crèche. We had a donation drum which help us to sustain our centre. I won R10 000-00 from Shoprite which I used to buy outdoor equipment. We receive the toys worth R109 000-00. Many of the neighbouring centres visited my centre for more information on sustainability and even the social workers send other crèche owners for peer learning.
Runner up: Masilo Ornicah Pholohana, Lehlabile Crèche & Pre-School
Lehlabile Crèche & Pre-School is an early childhood development project established on the 18th January 1996 located at Puraspan Limpopo. The centre serves the children between the ages of 00-05 years; empowers targeted beneficiaries to socially interact, educationally explore, develop into responsible members of society and integrate the trained and unskilled community members to serve in the centre so as to reduce unemployment and loitering.
Our challenges in the likelihood of the centre losing staff members to local schools-we asked donations so that our staff members can be able to get stipend, insufficient resources- we have a lot of self-made toys and donated toys by the National Lottery. Young women and men not showing interest in ECD-ECD awareness campaign. Lessons learned include, staff workshops, good team work, commitment of staff, collaboration and ccooperation from the community and cclustering with other ECD centres.
Parallel session 2 winners and runner-ups
Session on #Voice and choice action – Emerging entrepreneurs-Sunrise campgain | |
Rapporteur | Bessie Malatjie |
Judge 1 and session chair | Lefatse Moagi |
Judge 2 | Justine van Rooyen |
Judge 3 | Bella Mabula |
Winner: Anna Moritimone Molala
Motsule multipurpose project is a people’s company, which volunteers to help those in need, we help our community to help themselves, we help them be recognized by bigger firms for help. Motsule multipurpose is formed by a single parent providing for her family of three, as per demand she then discovered a business opportunity, and an opportunity to improve the community.
This project also practice permaculture, whereby they focus on climate change that affect farming due to high or low temperature, pesticide, soil erosion, water harvesting, our workshops educate about how to survive this climate changes, it involves youth, children and pensioners there is no age restrictions, we also work with schools and the entire community.
Both her son and brother in law are in hospitality so they buy fruits, vegies and herbs from her. She advertises her business on social media, workshops and does door-to-door deliveries. She uses transparent packaging for the clients to see the freshness of her products.
Runner up: Mokgadi Ramokgoba
Mokgadiwe was started in 2013 with about 3 rooms and in the last 2 weeks it increased into 8 rooms. The main service is to provide accommodation in the area. It’s extended to cultivation of Strawberries & Beans. It is run from home. It managed to employ 3 people where 2 of them are temporary and 1 permanent.
The participant reports that the levels of violence in the home have decreased and the participant is able to sustain her and her children. The business plan for the next six months to a year is to
Session on #Voice and choice action – Media | |
Rapporteur | Bessie Malatjie |
Judge 1 and session chair | Lefatse Moagi |
Judge 2 | Justine van Rooyen |
Judge 3 | Bella Mabula |
Winner: Michael Nkuna, Save the Children, Radio Turf
Save the children is a slot in one of radio turf shows called Route326, it started in the beginning of this June (youth month). The slot comes in between Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 15:30 wherein the presenters engage children about different issues they are facing on their daily basis. The engagement is therefore based on issues affecting children in the country, ranging from education, health, economy, employment, gender based violence just to mention few.
They invite children and expert in studio for the time allocated to address various issues hearing from children and expert’s perspectives, also arrange competitions to actively engage children into things that keep them off street and help them grow better. The radio station is trying to keep children busy to keep them away from criminal activities and to give help to those that have been victimised.
Runner up: Bernadette Maguire, Health e-News
The participant entered for two categories, one entry was online and one on television, her themes were about illegal abortions vs legal abortions showing us how difficult it is for one to get help from government institutions and easier to get help from unlicensed, unqualified institutions. Her other theme spoke to children born intersex (both male and female gentiles) on how parents are pressurised by doctors to choose a sex for their children which in some cases end up being the wrong sex.
Her challenge is that broadcasters refuse to air her documentaries as it exposes the incompetence of government hospitals when it comes to disrespecting women wanting to abort and being unable to help them. Her goal is to educate the community about intersex, and to educate parents not to make decisions out of pressure and for the doctors to give better advice to the parents to wait until their children are old enough to decide for themselves. To show women the dangers of illegal abortions and expose the incompetence of government clinics and hospitals so the government can see the need to improve their services.
Parallel session 3 winners and runner-ups
Session on Youth category | |
Rapporteur | Nomthandazo Mankazana-Mokoa |
Judge 1 and session chair | Mbuyiselo Botha |
Judge 2 | Monica Yona |
Judge 3 | Keitumetsei Moutlose |
Winner: Gershwille Oliver, Restorative Justice, Eradicating Generational GBV, Horizon Youth
The project focus on male juvenile delinquents that is current detained at Horizon Youth Centre on criminal charges, who are fathers. The project occurs on a monthly basis, where neurologist programming occurs. Workshops and Individual development plans take place based on participants’ individual needs.
The projects aims to teach youth to be involved and effective fathers whilst being detained at Horizon Youth Centre; and to alleviate-eradicate domestic violence tendencies within their own families when they are released. The ultimate goal for this project is alleviate and or eradicate generational household violence with youth who have been exposed to domestic violence whilst in their childhood. The need for this projects launched based on the amount of youth who has been exposed to domestic violence in their childhood.
This project will specifically target the need to address the abusive and destructive behaviour within their personal relationships once their they return back to their own families. The programme will be longitudinal, and it will only mainly focus on youth who have been sentenced from the age of 18 years until 21 years old. Therefore, in depth and holistic intervention will occur, targeting the individual and the family, by having individual and group counselling and family group conferences targeting the individual needs holistically.
The youth attend the project on a monthly basis, whereby activities focus on their sense of belonging, mastery, Independence and generosity. This approach focus on the individual holistically, and also teach them how to implements these skills and knowledge within their own interpersonal lives to prevent domestic violence from occurring.
Runner up: Kholofelo Mamaribe, Activate change drivers champion
Session on Drivers of change | |
Rapporteur | Nomthandazo Mankazana-Mokoa |
Judge 1 and session chair | Mbuyiselo Botha |
Judge 2 | Monica Yona |
Judge 3 | Keitumetsei Moutlose |
Winner: Debora Makgoba, Khaya Le Themba Mission
I am a Pastor and my vision is to see families living together and happy. There was a lot of abuse in my community mostly men abusing women. Especially that if we can just leave it as it is then we are upbringing the generation of abuse in our respective families. What I realised is that boy children had to be addressed to make them better fathers and husband through Spiritual Care.
The mission of the organisation is actively striving to achieve the following:
Runner up: Rose Thamae, Let us Grow
Brief description of the leader:
Rose Thamae, director and founder of Let Us Grow, a community based organisation based in Orange Farm in Johannesburg shared how the Making Care Work Count campaign advocating for care work policies and recognition of care work has made a difference to her work. Thamae, living positively with HIV and AIDS is fondly known as “Mum Rose” in her community a testimony of the leading role she has played in providing care and treatment for people with HIV and AIDS.
Mum Rose founded Let Us Grow in 1996 after a life changing experience. “Let us Grow project was initiated after I was gang raped and diagnosed with HIV. I learnt how to live positively through the care and support I received from a care group. This made me realise that there is great need for other people to have the same information that I had.
Runner up: Alma Kritzinger
Brief description of the leader:
A definite light bulb moment was when I realised that the dream I had since 2005 it became a reality. Named the SAPS Woman of the Year 2009 for the Western Cape and experienced a prestige event of sharing of best practices. I then realised that the need to establish a summit focussing on all social needs and interacting with all spheres of live as everyone is at some stage a victim.
Being part of the SADC Summit in 2012 opened up more ideas and I was able to initiate a summit that follows the structure and aims of the 28 targets of the SADC protocol with a twist that set a platform for the Mossel Bay to ensure that all work together and sharing best practices and ensure that people start working together and not in silo’s. This resulted in Mossel Bay being the first COE in the SADC region to host such an event. Taking it a step further, was the challenge to broaden my horizon by focussing on organisations outside my comfort zone to ensure that gender is mainstreamed through all spheres in the communities and therefore reaching out to communities such as Swartland, Matzikama and Elsie River.
Runner up: Adolphina Maponya
I started leadership in my early ages. At school, I was chosen to be a class rep because I was a responsible student. After school I was chosen to be a group leader because of I was able to solve problems, I was a friendly person with love. I was selected to be a captain of senior netball group at high school where I was fit in a junior group. I grew up coaching senior even at home. I started to be a manager of Mmabana crèche for one year in 1999.
I started my own crèche, which I lead for 10 years. I then employed at Mathlaku crèche. I was the head coach of Moria sweeper’s netball; I also coach masters male team, I then selected as the best netball development coach in 2015 during the mayoral netball tournament. I was then selected as the convener coach in Mankweng cluster in 2016. I was selected to be the coach convenor in Capricorn district netball. I was selected as a convenor selection last year. I was selected to be the team manager of Limpopo netball during national championship netball tournament in 2017. In 2018, I was selected as an assistant coach during the under 19 national championship netball tournament. I was selected to be one of the officials during international Dymont challenge last year. I am now selected to be the head coach of under 19 national championship netball. I became a winner of economic justice category last year in Swaziland.
Session on Local government Centres of Excellence(COEs) | |
Rapporteur | Nomthandazo Mankazana-Mokoa |
Judge 1 and session chair | Mbuyiselo Botha |
Judge 2 | Monica Yona |
Judge 3 | Keitumetsei Moutlose |
Winner: Polokwane Municipality, Jeanette Raseluma
Gender mainstreaming workshop for councillors, Training for LGBTIQ Workshops for Gender Forum Members and Men’s Forum, Dialogues too and Campaigns.
Gender Based Dialogue were the community is able to speak out and share sensitive information. They Society is able to open up or speak out for help. Door to Door Campaigns, were by we are able to know some challenges happening in the families behind closed doors
Runner up: Bitou Municipaity, Cingisa Ngemtu-Sonjani-
The Council has implemented changes including increasing the number of women councilors. Appointment GFP, gender responsive budgeting, gender policy and gender mainstreaming training of Senior Management.
SADC Protocol@Work Summits and Awards
DAY ONE: Thursday, 27 June 2019
08.00 – 08.30 | REGISTRATION | |
08:30 – 10:00 | Cycad 1-2 | |
THEME: SUMMIT LAUNCH – Local Action for a strong 2030 A-gender in Southern Africa! | ||
Programme Director – Kubi Rama, Gender Links
Rapporteur – Nomthi Mankazana, Grants Coordinator- Women’s Voice & Leadership, Gender Links |
14.00 – 14.20 | Welcome and objectives | Programme director |
14.20 – 14.40 | Presenting #Voice and choice campaign | Sifiso Dube, Head of SRHR and Governance Programme, Gender Links |
14.40 -15.00 | Overview of process and assignment of parallel sessions | Programme director |
PARALLEL SESSIONS | #Voice and choice action | Local government COEs | #Voice and choice action – Emerging entrepreneurs |
ROOMS | Cycad 1-2 | Cycad 3 | Marula 1 |
RAPPORTEUR | Aobakwe Kgwete | Nomthandazo Mankazana | Bessie Malatjie |
JUDGES | Pravienna Naidoo | Mbuyiselo Botha | Justine van Rooyen |
Esther Meletse | Monica Yona | Lefatse Moagi | |
Muzi Mbonani | Ketumetse Moutlose | Bella Mabula | |
Presentations | |||
SRHR | |||
15.00 – 15.15 | 1 Alice Legodi, Tiangmaatla Multipurpose | 1 Blouberg Municipality, Charlotte Nkoane | 1 Anna Moritimone Molala |
15.15 – 15.30 | 2 Supporting street children, Irene Tlou Thelele, Releleng Drop-in Centre | 2 Bitou Municipaity, Cingisa Ngemtu-Sonjani | 2 Rachel Ramodike |
15.30 – 15.45 | 3 Home cased care, Anikie Romokone, Byldrift Community Home Based Care | 3 Polokwane, Jeaneth Raseluma | 3 Emmission Puka |
15.45 – 16.00 | 4 Kopano ke maatla, Noko Rosemary Mahlong | 4 Matzikama, Jackeline Gordon | 4 Gift Maluleke |
16.00 – 16.30 | Tea | ||
16.30 – 16.45 | 5 HIV and AIDS, Jane Maaja, Dinonyana tsa Morwa Legodi | 5 Ba-Phalaborwa, Edwin Ratlapane | 5 Elsie Msimanga |
16.45 – 17.00 | 6 Women empowerment against violence HIV and AIDS, Rosina Ngobeni, Bulamahlo Home based care | Youth action for SRHR | 6 Mokgadi Ramokgopa |
17.00 – 17.15 | 7 Pro master, Maselaelo Asina Mokgawa | 6 Kwakwati Community Home Based Care, Makhaokane Mathe | 7 Avhasei Netshitangani |
17.15 – 17.30 | 8 Victim Support centre, Regina Mailula, Polokwane | 7 Drivers Champion, Kholofelo Mamaribe, Activate Change | 8 Lawraine Ramohlale |
17.30 – 17.45 | 9 HIV and care work, Edwina Nkawane, Kwakati Home Based Care | 8 Restorative Justice, Eradicating Generational GBV, Horizon Youth | 9 Winnie Lephalale |
17.45 – 18.00 | 10 Survivors: our pride, Mmatilo Welhelmina Mkwela, mankweng Victim Support Unit | 9 Challenging and changing the world through children, Mmaselaelo, Mohlala, World Challenges | 10 Lizzy Ramoshaba |
18.00-18.45 | 11 Sister love INT SA Nontyatyambo Makapela |
DAY TWO: 28 June 2019
08.00 – 08.30 | REGISTRATION | |
08:30 – 10:00 | PLENARY TWO: Cycad 1 -2 | |
THEME: #VoiceandChoice and 50/50 | ||
Programme Director – Mbuyiselo Botha, GL Board | ||
08.30 – 08.45 | Welcome | Programme director |
08.45 – 09.00 | Overview of the Women, Voice and Leadership Fund | Nomthandazo Mankazana Mokoa, Grants Coordinator, Women’s Voice & Leadership |
09.00 – 09.15 | Discussion | |
09.15 – 09.30 | Launching the Gender Audit of the May 2019 South Africa elections | Kubi Rama, Advisor, Gender Links |
09.30 – 10.00 | 50/50 discussion | |
10.00 – 10.30 | Discussion | GL Country Manager |
10.30 – 11.00 | Tea |
PARALLEL SESSIONS | #Voice and choice action | Drivers of change | #Voice and choice action – Emerging entrepreneurs | |
ROOMS | Cycad 1-2 | Cycad 3 | Marula 1 | |
RAPPORTEUR | Aobakwe Kgwete | Nomthandazo Mankazana | Bessie Malatjie | |
JUDGES | Pravienna Naidoo | Mbuyiselo Botha | Justine van Rooyen | |
Esther Meletse | Monica Yona | Lefatse Moagi | ||
Muzi Mbonani | Ketumetse Moutlose | 3ella Mabula | ||
Presentations | ||||
11.00 – 11.15 | 1 ABC Health care for Adolescents, David Marcus, PJAAG | 1 Debora Makgoba | 1 Not in our name, Men speak out dialogue, Phuthi Mathapo, Capricorn District Municipality | |
11.15 – 11.30 | 2 Midvaal Reproductive Health, Nonhlanhla Ndolela, Midvaal Municipality | 2 Rose Thamae | 2 Intersex- no person’s land, Bernadette Maguire, Health e-News | |
11.30 – 11.45 | 3 SRHR and HIV and AIDS, Jackeline Gordon, Matsikima Municipality | 3 Melida Matsi | 3 Gender based violence, Moloto Martina Mmakgabo, Moletjie Community Media | |
Climate change and sustainable development | ||||
11.45 – 12.00 | 4 Climate change, Ruth Sethosa, Re Tla Kgona Disability Centre | 4 Johanna Joseph | 4 Poverty and sex work, Portia Kobue, Khaya FM | |
Economic justice and education | ||||
12.00 – 12.15 | 5 Matlakhu Creche, Sylvia Monyela | 5 Adolphina Maponya | 5 Backstreet choices: Abortion and stigma Bernadette Maguire, Health e-News | |
12.15 – 12.30 | 6 Lehlabile Creche and Pre School, Masila Ornicah Pholohana | 6 Gerard Clarence Januarie | 6 Fillicide, Keneiloe Huma, Khaya FM | |
12.30 – 12.45 | 7 Youth economic participation, Lekau Phoshoko, Activate Change Drivers | 7 Moegamat van Schalkwayk | 7 My right, my legacy, Matlou Setati | |
12.45 – 13.00 | 8 Girl child, Lucinda Piet, Mossel Bay Municipality, | 8 Kevin Johansson | 8 Telling Limpopo’s Stories, Petronella Mauwane, Rise Limpopo Magazine | |
13.00 – 13.15 | 9 Let us grow, Sphiwe Ramaphuma | 9 Constance Matieka | 9 Mpho Choshi, Passover/ILIMA | |
13.15 – 13.30 | 10 Naledi Masipa | 10 Save the children, Michael Nkuna, Radio Turf | ||
13.30 – 13.45 | 11 Alma Kritzinger | 11 Caught in-between, Bernadette Maguire, Health e-News | ||
13.45 – 14.00 | 12 Pedro Meyer | |||
14.00 | Lunch | |||
18.0 -23.00 | Summit gala dinner and awards | |||
SADC Protocol@Work Summits and Awards
GENDER LINKS South Africa 2019
28-29 JUNE 2019 |
Age – Tick | Organisation | cell | ||||||||
M | F | -18 | 18-25 | 26-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 60+ | |||||
Aletta Alma | Kritzinger | X | X | mbay municapilty | 796917708 | akritzinger@mosselbay.gov.za | ||||||
Cingisisa | Ngemtu-Sonjani | X | X | bitou municipality | 733352380 | csonjani@plett.gov.za | ||||||
David | Marcus | X | X | piet julies aids | 799726859 | marcusdavid410@gmail.com | ||||||
Johannah | Joshua | X | X | El shaddai baptist | 27446904777 | jfjoshua59@gmail.com | ||||||
Lucinda | Piedt | X | X | mbay municipalitiy | 446065000 | lpiedt@mosselbay.gov.za | ||||||
Pedro | MEYER | X | X | mbay dept of health | 763622215 | pmeyer228@gmail.com | ||||||
Bernadette | Maguire | X | X | health-e | 716070020 | bern@health-e.org.za | ||||||
Keneiloe | Huma | X | 723560764 | keneiloe@kayafm.co.za | ||||||||
Mmaselaelo | Mohlala | X | X | world challenges | 732087880 | maselaelo.mohlala@outlook.com | ||||||
Sello | Tinake | X | X | midvaal local municipality | 783595607 | NonhlanhlaN@midvaal.gov.za | ||||||
Nontyatyambo | Makapela | X | X | sisterlove int SA | 623409570 | nmakapela@sisterlove.org | ||||||
Portia | Kobue | X | X | kaya fm | 723560764 | portia1@kayafm.co.za | ||||||
Rose | Thamae | X | X | let us grow | 721188945 | legrowsa@yahoo.com | ||||||
Adolphinah | Maponya | X | 795139029 | adolphinahmaponya@gmail.com | ||||||||
Alice | Legodi | X | X | tiangmaatio mc | 7155902376 | tiang.dic@gmail.com | ||||||
Anikie Ramokone | Makaleng | X | X | X | byidrift hbc | 720749390 | ramokonemakaleng@gmail.com | |||||
Anna Moritimone | Molala | X | X | ucuvuma project | ||||||||
Charlotte | Nkoana | X | X | blouberg municipalitiy | 727222124 | nkoanac@blouberg.gov.za | ||||||
Constance | Matjeka | X | X | 27155902376 | nkoana.mc@gmail.com | |||||||
Debora | Makgoba | X | X | ekhaya le themba | 27766297005 | dmakgoba@yahoo.com | ||||||
Edwin | Ratlapane | X | 157806333 | ratlapanet@ba-phalaborwa.gov.za | ||||||||
Edwina | Nkawane | X | X | kwakwati chbc | 797527138 | mphonkawane@gmail.com | ||||||
Elsie | Msimanga | X | X | polokwane municipality | ||||||||
Emmission | Puka | X | X | tsoga oititele hardwork | ||||||||
Francina | Mavhungu | X | X | 713760191 | wamashuduabigail@gmail.com | |||||||
Irene Tlou | Thelele | X | X | relefeng drop in centre | 729793452 | relelengdic1@gmail.com | ||||||
Jane | Maja | X | X | pinonyama tsa morwa lesodi | 722784680 | masipan@cdm.org.za | ||||||
Charlotte | Nkoana | X | X | blouberg municipalitiy | 727222124 | nkoanac@blouberg.gov.za | ||||||
Jeaneath | Raseluma | X | X | polokwane municipality | 839921479 | jeannetter@polokwane.gov.za | ||||||
Kholofelo | Mamaribe | X | X | acticate change drive | 769506985 | mamaribek@gmail.com | ||||||
Lawraine | Ramohlale | X | X | |||||||||
Lekau | Phoshoko | X | X | 836129267 | lekaujohannes@gmail.com | |||||||
Lizzy | Ramoshaba | X | pro- masters | |||||||||
Makhaokhane Maria | Mathe | X | lehlabile crech & pre school | 7673475375 | mariamathe@gmail.com | |||||||
Maselaelo Asina | Mokgawa | X | X | 637328377 | masi@gmail.com | |||||||
Masilo Ornicah | Pholohana | X | 726988125 | ornicahpholohana@gmail.com | ||||||||
Matlou | Setati | X | X | 828 098 453 | matlou.setati@ul.ac.za | |||||||
Melida | Matsi | X | X | 155902376 | mokgobjam@webmail.co.za | |||||||
MICHAEL | NKUNA | X | X | Radio turf | 769164082 | michaelphazama@gmail.com | ||||||
Mmatilo Welhemina | Makwela | X | 792029131 | vepmankweng@gmail.com | ||||||||
Mokgadi | Ramokgopa | X | ||||||||||
Moloto Martina | Mmakgabo | X | X | 729976108 | maphetomm@webmail.co.za | |||||||
Mpho | Choshi | X | X | 796064567 | chosempho04@gmail.com | |||||||
Naledi | Masipa | X | X | capricon district municipality | 823716532 | ramahlabana@gmail.com | ||||||
Noko Rosemary | Mahlong | X | X | kopano ke matla | 717335151 | masipan@cdm.org.za | ||||||
Petronella | Mauwane | X | 826619036 | petronella.mauwane@gmail.com | ||||||||
Phuti | Mothapo | X | X | X | capricon district municipality | 716865010 | mothapop@cdm.org.za | |||||
Rachel | Ramodike | X | mamaRay | |||||||||
Regina | Mailula | X | X | X | X | polokwane vep | 152906582 | polokwanevsc@gmail.com | ||||
Rosina | Ngobeni | X | bulamahlo home b c | 799205502 | bulamahlo2003@gmail.com | |||||||
Ruth | Sethosa | X | X | retlakgona dis centre | 723134357 | masipan@cdm.org.za | ||||||
Sylvia | Monyela | X | X | 797349454 | adolphinahmaponya@gmail.com | |||||||
Winnie | Lephalala | X | X | |||||||||
GERHARD CLARENCE | Januarie | X | horizon centre | 27788708469 | gerhardfeb91@gmail.com | |||||||
Gershwille | Oliver | X | X | mcuzikama municipality | 218433862 | gershwilleolivier@gmail.com | ||||||
Jackeline | Magdalena Gordon | X | 765596402 | jackyg@matzikamamun.org.za | ||||||||
Kevin | Johansson | X | 217154655 | vogestony59@gmail.com | ||||||||
MOEGAMAT | VAN SCHALKWYK | X | 27614661687 | Shariefvanschalkwyk7@gmail.com | ||||||||
Nkoana | Blouberg | X | 727222124 | nkoanac@blouberg.gov.za | ||||||||
Shamiso | Chigorimbo | X | X | GL | ||||||||
Tarisai | Nyamwenda | X | X | GL | ||||||||
Tinyiko | Shikwambane | X | #TheTotalShutdown | |||||||||
Regina | Mailula | X | X | X | X | polokwane vep | 152906582 | polokwanevsc@gmail.com | ||||
Rosina | Ngobeni | X | bulamahlo home b c | 799205502 | bulamahlo2003@gmail.com | |||||||
Ruth | Sethosa | X | X | retlakgona dis centre | 723134357 | masipan@cdm.org.za |
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
Comment on South Africa: VoiceandChoice Summit 2019