Releleng Drop in Centre is community based, non-profit organisation (NPO) Ref: 058-881 started on 15 September 2006 in Limpopo Province western site of Polokwane in rural area Tibane village, next to Chaba Driving School. The centre was established after realizing that the is a high rate of orphans and vulnerable children caused by HIV & AIDS. 10 staff members established the centre and currently as 10 staff members wish 07 were female, other 03 are male’s staff members and among the staff members 02 are people living with disability, the total number of children are 136
We have two stands No. 10100 and 10285 from Local Authority. Stand No. 10100 we plant vegetables and we decide to plant fruits for feed our orphans and vulnerable children, income generating in order to sustain our organisation. Stand 10285 already fenced, we have a building plan we are busy applying for funding to build a structure. We found funding we were going to build according to our building plan were we are going to have good and safety space for kitchen, Dining room, bathroom, laundry, storeroom, 04 ladies toilet, 04 men toilet,02 disable toilets, hall, stage, 02 Offices, boardroom, 02 showers, parking, playground and space for library. This structure is needed if we have a structure we are going to stay with them for 24 hours. Some of children they lost both parents because of HIV & AIDS and other diseases to be with them we are going to protect them from different abuses (sexual abuse), for elderly we want to be with them in our centre because we experienced death for old person neglected. Have enough equipment.
Key Actions
Preparing meals for our children: In support of National Lottery Commission we buy food for OVC menu: Monday: Rice & soup Tuesday: Pap and Beans, Wednesday: samp and beans and soup, Thursday: Pap & Fish, Friday: Samp and beans & soup. Help them with homework: We work hand to hand with educators, our OVC come with homework after school, as some have no parents, and others stay with their grandparent.
Garden: Right now we don’t have garden our challenge was water but right now Lottery funded us money for bore hole in 2018 as I am talking right now we are busy with water in our 2 sites.
Playing: soccer, netball, drilling, singing, on Wednesday they play Soccer& Netball and every day we assist them with schoolwork and do drilling before they eat, Thursday and Friday they singing. Have enough equipment. As we have some equipment now we are running short of library equipment as we plan to have library.
Remove children from the street. By having a structure, stay by them is the way we removed them out from the street.
Give them good support. We want to be with them for 24 hours so that we are to assist them with homework, give them bath, laundry, cook for them is the way we give them good support.
To be a well-known organisation in our area and country as wide.If we are shortlisted to 2019 SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT AND AWARDS Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV&AIDS, we will be a well-known organisation in the world.
Shoprite (contributes grocery and toys), National Lotteries (Funds), Department of Social Development (reports), South African and Americans in partnership to fight HIV/AIDS (Funds). We also formed partnership with Diphuthantsheng Drop in Centre ,in Mamehlabe village and to apply for funds from National Lottery Board to assist with amongst others provision of fence, stationery, foods .We have partnership with National Lottery Commission donated with money ,car tracker donate with rice. Shoprite donate with soup & bread and in August 2018 was donated with R5000.00 voucher, Capricorn District Municipality give us opportunity to present with organisation & to teach us many things ,partners with two organisation from Mamehlabe Village and Rammobola village , Diphuthantsheng DIC ,Dinonyane tsa morwa legodi DIC and also we are working with our local Authority and our community .
We are working with Developers and other NPOS AND WITH department of road and transport, we called Mr Mangena of parliament from Ga-Matlala to talk to him with our challenge, day because we called him about many accident that happened in our road but he promised to do robot as our
village because is a busy road Mrs Annie Kgano as a manager visit Energy FM Releleng Drop in Centre had a pre-recorded interview on Energy FM on the 17th of march 2015 ahead of an event that happened on the 20th of march 2015.
Annie as a manager visit Energy FM to representing Releleng Drop in Centre had a pre-recorded interview on Energy FM on the 17th of March 2015 ahead of an event that happened on the 20th of March 2015.The event organized by Old Mutual because they gave us money about R20 000.00 for fence of our site. It is big events because of many stakeholders were present e.g. social workers, Developers, Indunas. Councillors represent Local municipality and Indunas represent our Local Authority (Moshate) community based forum were represented, many organisations were here for empowerment Old Mutual presented by 50 staff members.
Our challenge insufficient -a big challenge is a shortage of space because now we operate in a small rented garage and lack of skilled youth in terms of technology use youth are needed but they cannot work without paid ,changes of workers because if any project started they join because of payment.
Immediate results and next steps
We want to make big garden in order to make our organisation to sustain, to make a bakery again as we have two sides for income generating. We achieved to do borehole things will going to be easy but we are still waiting for Eskom to do electricity to pump water so that we are going to start a big garden. We have many equipment.
Long term Impact
We want long-term funders because many people in our rural area are suffering so that if this organisation die many children are going to suffer and start going to street and as long as they suffer, they are going to think about negative things.
Learning and Application
We visit traditional authority councils and gather communities for workshops on HIV/ AIDS. We also give support to the needy vulnerable Children. Every Tuesday we meet with our In Many organisations learned a lot about our organisation and they still asking themselves that why our organisation still strong where as other organisations died because of funds but our organisation still strong and they come to ask. Many organisations died because of funds, councillor, and ward committee in our area to share ideas and solve some problems in our community. Many organisations learned a lot about our organisation and they still asking themselves that why our organisation still strong where as other organisations died because of funds but our organisation still strong and they come to ask.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
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