South Africa: Survivors Our Pride

Date: June 26, 2019
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The centre was officially opened in November 2005.Registered as an NPO in March 2010.Provides psychosocial services, accommodation and balanced meals to the victimized. Render outreach programmes to the communities around d Greater Mankweng that is Molepo, Mamabolo, Mothapo and Dikgale.


The centre has been in existence since from2005 following g high cases of domestic violence and crime in general. SAPS officials deal with perpetrators whereas poor victims were not receiving any assistance either in the form of counselling, referral or overnight accommodation, therefore this centre was established.

Key Actions

The centre has the following objectives and activities: Psychosocial services as an early intervention in the form of counselling. Provision of shelter and protection through temporary overnight accommodation and balanced meals. Render outreach programmes through door-to-door, awareness campaigns and community dialogues.


Department of Social development provide Social Workers and assist in funding the centre’s activities. South African Police Service provide accommodation, protection and transportation of victims. Traditional leaders provide a permission to conduct campaigns in communities and provide a venue. Municipality provide donations and organise capacity-building workshops.


The centre is an interdepartmental approach with the Department of Social Development as the lead department.


Insufficient accommodation for both staff and victims. The challenge that is addressed with the Station Commander to provide for a bigger accommodation since there are renovations at the Station. Lack of commitment from other partners to be part of the Centre’s Board but they are always in communication with, hoping for their positive response in the near future. Commutation breakdown with the Department and the challenge was outlined through the VEP forum meetings, which take place quarterly.

Immediate results and next steps

The community is aware of different forms of abuse and are able to report. Women are also able to identify when their partners abuse them.

Long term Impact

To have a gender based violence free society in future years. The community need more information on different forms of abuse this will be accomplished through door-to-door campaigns since they are more effective. Men will also be assisted to come out and report since they are afraid to do so. There need to be strict procedures for victim registrations at Police station s to avoid secondary victimisation.

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