Summit 2019:Mabutsane Sub District

Date: April 17, 2020
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The council gender champion is Ms Kaelo Kebadireng while Ms. Thatayotlhe Phiri is the council’s gender focal person.

Gender Policy

The council does not have a gender policy but uses existing government policies as a guide.


There are 2 council women and 8 council men in the council. Women represent 61.9% of the council management and 55.6% of the overall staff. The Assistant Senior Council Secretary is a woman and the Head of Electrical department, Commercial Department and Finance are headed by women.

Workplace Policy and Practice

Every Wednesday morning there are wellness activities at the council, where GBV and gender mainstreaming are some of the topics discussed.

Local Economic Development

The council conducts mini shows and cluster fairs where beneficiaries of their LED programs can showcase their products. The council has various programs or schemes through which community members access entrepreneurship financing.123 women and 42 youth have been funded through the poverty eradication program, while only 5 PWDS have been funded through the same scheme. The council has a 20 % quota that financial resources will go towards the empowerment of women and other disadvantaged groups.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Men, women and youth are equally involved in activities that mitigate climate change, like waste management, recycling and sustainable energy. Persons involved in the aforementioned activities benefit from the assistance of the council developing their products and also economically by selling products the make from waste. The council also hosts clean up campaigns in the villages under its authority.

Infrastructure and Social Development

The council does not allocate land but it does provide housing for male and female destitute persons. The council currently has 20 houses that are under construction, which are to be awarded to destitute persons and 1 PWD. . Council provides water to RADP people’s livestock and also provides portable water to villagers when WUC trucks have breakdowns.

Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS

In its efforts towards SRHR promotion and HIV/AIDS awareness, the council works with DHMT and DAMSEC.

Ending Violence

Some of the activities carried out by the council in pursuance of ending violence include hosting commemorations for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based and AIDS day and hosting activities like stiletto walk. The council has also hosted a care givers workshop for care givers of vulnerable children and it hosts an annual retreat for vulnerable children and street kids. 9 street children from Jwaneng have been enrolled at Bana ba metsi school to rehabilitate them. The council has also trained 17 women who are survivors of GBV under the sunrise campaign.

Gender Management System

The council gender committee made up of gender focal, chairperson, women’s commissioner, gender champion. There is also a sub district gender committee which includes other stakeholders like the police and representatives from the District Commissioners office.

Resource Allocation

No gender specific budget but the council sources funds for gender mainstreaming activities.


One of the challenges faced by committee members is insufficient time to work on committee activities due to competing core duties that they have as well as the lack of a gender specific budget.

Lessons Learned and Innovation

Collaboration is important to ensure that gender mainstreaming is carried out smoothly.

Sustainability and Replication

COE work can be sustained through the provision of funds from the council’s budget, solely for gender activities.

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