Summit 2019:Tutume Sub District Council

Date: April 20, 2020
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The council’s gender champion is Mr. Selatolo and the gender focal person is Ms Maipelo Gloria Gaketlou.

Gender Policy

The council has no gender policy or gender action plan.


There are 3 council women amongst 25 men. Women make up 45% of the council management and 61% of the overall staff. Only one woman holds non-traditional leadership role in the council which is in the finance department. Women/ youth/ PWD participate in council consultations and decision-making by sharing their views and asking pertinent questions.

Workplace Policy and Practice

The local authority abides by the provisions of the Public Service Act in addressing employees’ grievances and complaints, such as sexual harassment cases. The council hired a female PWD via as a means of affirmative action.

Local Economic Development

The local authority has no market stalls but it issues out street vendor licenses to interested parties. Through the poverty eradication program, the council has funded various projects such as a bakery in Zoroga, brick moulding and sewing projects in Tutume. There is a Ntwakgolo Garden based in Nata, a community-based project for CHBC patients initiated by community members which the council supports by marketing their produce during market days.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Women, PWD, and youth are equally involved in projects that prevent climate change such as the waste management project, sustainable energy project and the recycling project. The community also benefits economically through the council’s litter buy back initiative.

Infrastructure and Social Development

The council provides infrastructure and housing social assistance to community members through various schemes. Through the S&CD, the council advocates for vulnerable groups to acquire land. Some of the S&CDs beneficiaries are referred to engage in the Ipelegeng program where they work for three months and gain the opportunity to connect water pipes to their homes.

Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV & AIDS

The council promotes SRHR by holding discussions on the subject matter every Wednesday after morning prayers. Sometimes stakeholders are invited to these discussions to give presentations. Women, men, people living with disability and youth living within district have equal access to treatment.

Gender Management System

The council has no gender committee.

Resource Allocation

No resources have been allocated for the gender agenda.


The council’s major challenges are that it has no gender committee and no gender specific budget.

Lessons Learned and Innovation

The council has realized that gender is a multifaceted subject that needs efforts of all stakeholders in the district, hence the formation of gender committee in the local authority is long overdue as well as a District Gender Committee.

Sustainability and Replication

The gender focal person believes that a gender committee is essential to facilitate lobbying management into gender mainstreaming in all departments. The formation of a committee would also ensure that there are departmental gender focal persons for cascading information throughout the Local Authority.

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