Summit 2020-Mamants’o Council COE

Date: November 24, 2020
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Mamantso Community council situated in Motsekuoa in the Mafeteng District. The Council has the SRHR action plan and has been working hard to implement some of the activities.

The council of ‘Mamants’o has gender policy and action plan that incorporates the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol, SDGs and other relevant targets. It is based on the realization of human rights of all women and men alike, equal opportunities for both men and women and which holds principles of equal participation in development and non-discrimination of men and women. It also has a high profile champion within the council who makes sure that gender issues are taken care and make aware to councillors. And our Councillor Tau Matlakala won the leadership award and that shows how committed our council is in regard to Gender issues.

There are 21 councillors, 14 men and Seven women. The chairperson of the council is a man and vice chairperson is a woman; the council has four committees and two of them are chaired by women. During public gatherings, prioritising council plans and projects, decision making and land issues, also LANFOD has held meetings with PWD and councils to empower PWD and raise awareness of ignorance of leaders to the disabled. PWD now take part in decision making. Another organization called SEND A COW has also trained the youth on the Local government concept and development and how crucial it is for youth to be part of the decision making processes.

In terms of workforce, there are seven staff; two men and five women. Also the two top management being Council secretary and Assistant administration officer are both women.

The workplace is highly gender sensitive in that both men and women are given equal employment opportunities and they both accorded their rights such as maternity where an allowance of one hour late in the morning and knocking off early in the afternoon for nursing mothers and flexi time where during month end, one is given half day to do family responsibilities and if their children and any family member get sick they take them to hospitals.

The work place is also disability friendly such that there are toilets for PWD and there are ramps for easy movement and no stair cases, also the council has requested LANFOD to help fund PWD projects at ‘Mamantsó at council.

Mamants’o Community Council allocated a substantial budget to gender-related projects for the 2019 to 2020.

Category Budget 2019 Budget 2020
Gender policy and action plan communications and visibility M 30,000.00 M 34,000.00
Gender management system M 20,000.00


M 22,000.00


Resources allocated to gender-responsive local economic development M 225,000.00


M 235,000.00
Public health SRHR HIV/AIDS M 62,000.00 M 68,000.00

In an effort to promote the local economic development the council has given stands at the market place, 20 stands allocated to women at the market place of Motsekuoa and another 13 stands allocated to men at the market place at the same place (PWD and youth included).

In terms of Climate Change and Sustainable Development the council is working with Ministry of Forestry with catchment project where people engage in planting trees and filling dongas. Grazing schemes were formed at Ha Moseli and Lihlokong, they work on range management issues such as grazing control. Furthermore, competitions are held between electoral divisions regarding the most impressive rangelands also money has been allocated to the council for solid waste management. Community members are also encouraged and supported to practice conservative farming, locally known as temo ea mantloane.

There is sex disaggregated land allocation in the council, 178 women were offered form c’s while 213 men were offered form C’s. Since the promulgation of the Land act 2010, women are now able to fight for their rights on Land and request dispute settlement by councillors and chief. There is a water committee that manages the use of water systems and it is led by a woman. Rural Water Supply has installed and maintained water systems and VIP toilets for communities. 12 Villages were helped with maintenance of water systems and 9 are to be helped with the same maintenance.

The council promotes SRHR by training the support groups and youth on HIV/AIDS. The council together with the 2 clinics within the kolo Constituency have trained the support groups and youth on HIV/AIDS, including Covid 19. NKUKELE GROUPS have been established in which people living with HIV/AIDS rotationally take turns to collect medication for the rest of the group in order to avoid discrimination of others and for the sake of those who are ashamed to collect medication. The council works hard to make sure that parents and guardians are encouraged to take part and give sexual education to their children. Parents guardians and teachers have been trained on the approach and how to educate children on sexuality education

Adolescent corners have been established and trainings on sexual education have been provided and youth are also encouraged to be part of the support groups. The council also helps to distribute both male and female condoms. The nurses from clinics also hold workshops for women and youth to teach them on family planning. Also the council has been on the frontline to campaign for safe abortion, click here to read more about the campaign.

The communities have formed policing arrangements and there is a schedule whereby men guard villages at night. Police have held trainings on how criminals should be dealt with in order to protect human rights. Women, PWD and youth are equally represented and they all participate actively.

The council also have a social worker from the ministry of social development who offers counselling to vulnerable groups.

Click here to read more about the Mamantso Community Council.

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