Theatre for development is a collaborated efforts between khula youth network and university of Pretoria drama students. The program aims to intervene in the name of social transformation precisely to disrupt what has become settled norms and knowable reality.
Theatre for development is an interactive performance that tackles issues around gender based violence, TFD is a workshop show making awareness on how gender based violence stems out to much larger social issues such as: woman abuse, bullying, rape and peer pressure. This interactive show takes learners and community through a journey of understanding social transformation and to form their own understanding.
The show involves audience actively, allowing them to participate throughout, giving their opinion on gender based violence khula youth network facilitates question and answer sessions to clarify and affirm the outcomes of the show.
Theatre for Development is a good practice because YOUNG PEOPLE PAY ATTENTION TO ACTION, mostly prefer to be involved and play their part in transforming the society.
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