Tsatsimpone Ranteme

Date: May 25, 2015
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This organization has achieved teaching women and men about life skills concerning Health, HIV/AIDS education in decision making, VMMC, HTC and condom treatment literacy. Peace-Corps once held us HIV/AIDS capacity building workshop which was success because we have been taught things like; links between Gender and HIV/AIDS, situation of HIV in Lesotho and youth sexual & Reproductive Health Activities. We also achieved teaching the members sewing where we put aside 20% of our profit for HIV/AIDS orphans. We managed to set-up a village library since January and its over 200 kids checking, there are no charges for that. We again volunteered in Maboloka Primary School to teach kids about teenage pregnancy, decision making about their life, VMMC, HIV/AIDS test, the understanding of HIV/AIDS virus, How to prevent it and what to do if infected. In sewing we achieved sewing, 42 Aprons, 25 bag packs, 61 cell bags, 63 bracelets,4 side bags and 2 computer bags, and we are using different African fabric. We sold 8 Aprons,6 Bag packs,2 computer bags and the total money collected was M2180.00, 50% goes to the organization to buy more fabric, 30% for the seamstresses for women empowerment, and 20% to HIV/AIDS orphans like I mentioned before. Our products have been advertised on the social networks like face book, two newspapers in USA, two USA shop/logo & spices as working with Peace- corps volunteer Tracy Reborn, displaying at Peace-Corps staff office and Mount Maluti Hotel in Mohale ’ hoek. Our organization achieved to give out Toms shoes to children of 10 villages provided by World Vision, we also been given seeds of different vegetables by minister of Gender, and minister of forestry promised to give us fruit trees in June this year.

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