Tsepo Mochao

Date: May 25, 2015
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More often than not, gender-based violence occurs against women precisely because of their gender. Gender-based violence involves power imbalances where, usually; men are perpetrators and women are victims. This case revolves around women who are abused and infected with HIV/AIDS by their partners because they cannot stand their ground in their families where men are believed to be heads and force their women to have unprotected sex and thereby infecting them. This can be portrayed in a scenario whereby a man has more than one sexual partner outside of his marriage, and is involved in acts of unprotected sex. He as a man comes home to his wife and sleeps with her without making any means of protecting her from the virus or sexually transmitted infections he got from his other partners. The issue of men infecting their women with HIV/AIDS just because of their gender is a good example of gender in media content in the sense that it is not about taking sides; it is about achieving equality between the genders. Men should not force their wives to have unprotected sex because they believe that they are heads of families, rather; consider their wives ’ opinions with regards to the matter and they must respect their women in their families. Apart from that women must be taught how to stand for themselves so as to avoid the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS because of gender based violence. Media plays a very crucial part in educating the society about Gender based violence because it has the power to change the public ’s opinion. It is convenient to raise this topic in my show as well as inviting guests to look more into this issue and share ideas and opinions about it so as to find different views from people in the society.

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