Zimbabwe .Community recycling health clubs

Date: August 29, 2019
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Masvingo city community ward health clubs were formed by the city in collaboration with ox farm in 2008 to help manage the city against Cholera. When ox farm left the city continued supporting the health clubs to carry out their various activities including recovery and recycling of the waste. In 2007 the Health clubs were given a stand by the city so that they are able to carry out their activities. In 2009 the city and health clubs signed a contract to be employed by the city to clean their respective ward in place council of street cleaners…..

The city was facing challenges on waste management issues. The amount of waste being generated from the community and emanated from dumpsites was becoming a burden to the city and a time bomb to disease outbreaks. To reduce waste through recycling, reuse and reduction in order to increase the caring capacity of the refused compactors of the city. Empower the community to a litter-free environment and capacitate the health club into income-generating projects through the earning of salary from street cleaning and selling of their wares from recycling. The community will police themselves against littering since there is now part of the cleaning thus helps for littering generation and separation of waste which is taught to the health clubs can now be cascaded to the community. The community poverty data line will be increased thus as council revenue will increase as the contracted health clubs will be now able to pay for their service charges.

Key Actions

Masvingo city council has given the club a stand to carry out their activities and constructed a toilet and provided a water connection to the stand at no cost.

Council decided that we do not replace staff who would have retired but instead engage health clubs in cleaning their wards and give them a token of appreciation. This way the council’s hopes will show how committed the council is in supporting our endeavour to promote a clean and healthy environment.

  1. Street cleaning and/or paper picking in the respective ward’s defined area
  2. Disposal of such picked waste at designated refuse transfer points
  3. Clearing illegal refuse heaps are assigned by the council
  4. Street cleaning of public and open places
  5. Area to be worked on shall cover all streets and open spaces in ward one (1)
  6. Any other duties in street cleaning as requested by Masvingo City Council

The above-performed services will be paid a monthly salary by Masvingo City Council

Other income-generating activities include selling of various artefacts, 3 legged ports, oil, and paving bricks made by the health clubs for sale through the waste they recycle.

Masvingo City Health Clubs have also become trainers to several health organizations and cities thus also more revenue to the club.


EMA, Ox-fam and Zimahead were the partners involved. 


During the health clubs signing in M.O.U, the Mayor and town clerk warned the club members against putting on political regalia during the course of the work to avoid unnecessary situations. The Mayor said “we will not accept political party regalia when you do street cleaning. We are a local authority, not a political party.”


Those who were not voluntary club members became interested after the council had started to make monthly salaries payments. We have resolved to deal with those whom we have signed a memorandum of understanding with. 

Immediate results and next steps

The dumping sites which were seen in a common age are now cleared.

The community is now able to manage their waste at household level through health education from the community members.

The club members are now able to pay council rates and services for their houses thus more revenue to the council.

The poverty datum line for the club members has been increased.

Council intends to continue renewing the contract.

Long term Impact

  1. Street cleaning and/or paper picking in the respective ward’s defined area
  2. Disposal of such picked waste at designated refuse transfer points
  3. Clearing illegal refuse heaps are assigned by the council
  4. Street cleaning of public and open places
  5. Area to be worked on shall cover all streets and open spaces in ward one (1)
  6. Any other duties in street cleaning as requested by Masvingo City Council

Learning and how this will be applied

Waste is money



One thought on “Zimbabwe .Community recycling health clubs”

rumbidzai nguwi says:

would want to join the group.i recently started recycling in my community.Ruwa,Zimbabwe.

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