Zimbabwe: Women combating climate change through use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Date: August 17, 2018
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It is against the background of increased load shedding in urban areas that the Ministry of Women affairs, Gender and Community Development started working with women and girls in mitigating the effects of climate change through building capacity and sensitizing women on the use of alternative sources of energy, which are environmentally friendly, reduce deforestation, reduce time wasted by women while collecting energy sources and reduce global warming. In Kadoma, the project of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has since kick-started.

The project is aimed at addressing the issues of women and girls travelling long distances to nearby peri-urban farms in search of firewood. The project is also meant to address exposure of women and girls to the injurious effects of smoke inhalation and emission of unburned hydrocarbons through traditional stoves. LPG would lead to reduced deforestation and ecological damage. Deforestation leads to desertification, and ultimately has climate change effects.

The project had its own challenges. One of the biggest challenges is that LPG components such as stoves and gas cylinders are relatively expensive that low income earners fail to afford them. Also, it has been established that prices charged by EMA when one needs to establish a gas station are beyond the reach of many women. Kadoma City Council has also suspended establishment of new gas fueling sites, which has become difficult for women who want to venture into this line of business. The project will continuously engage with the city fathers so that they may reconsider the plight of women. The project also faced serious resource challenges.




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