In 2011, as part of Gender Links’ ten year anniversary, Gender Links conducted a beneficiary analysis of the nearly 50 000 people whom we have reached directly through our work. As part of this we gathered several testimonies of how the work we are doing is changing lives. We are continuing with the gathering of this evidence, because it is through changing lives that we change institutions, countries, our region and eventually the world! Armed with our slogan, Gender Links for Equality for Justice we believe that change is possible, and that it starts with each of us.
My name is Choolwe Maunga, 36 years old. I started my journey in Gender work in July 2012 when I became the Gender Focal Point Person for Livingstone City Council. […]
Tout s’apprend” «Je sais que la formation de Gender Links est bénéfique, mais j’ai du mal à l’appliquer. Comme suivi des participantes au cours du projet entrepreneurial, l’équipe de GL […]
Ayez toujours une pensée positive ! ” « Femmes : relevons-nous et travaillons ensemble pour le développement de notre patrie. » Engagée activement à la vie communautaire : étant une bénévole au CSBII d’Antanamitarana, […]
Noeline est une des bénéficiaires du projet “Current sunrise campaign”. Victime de violence conjugale au sein de son foyer, elle a décidé de se séparer avec son mari et de […]
“ Tout est possible si l’on y croit puis s’y accroche vraiment. ” « Le fait d’être une femme m’a permis de se débrouiller. Notre entrepreneur est un modèle aux autres […]
« Nous devrions toujours avoir 3 amis dans notre vie : celui qui marche devant nous, que nous regardons et que nous suivons, celui qui marche à côté de nous, […]
Gender Links is a pioneering organisation in tackling this endemic issue of gender inequality with so much vigour and energy, doing it against many odds in an African society which is very conservative and backed by so many unfair traditional ways of living. I commend GL for the foresight it has.
I changed my life with the help and knowledge I gained from Gender Links. I now know what gender equality is, so I try to strengthen that even at workplace, at home and everywhere. I have learned that everybody is capable, has potential and must be given equal opportunities to explore and be everything in life regardless of their sex.
Being part of Gender Links has helped her a lot; before she only knew women as helpers of men, the minority part of human beings. She said, “I used to think women were supposed to get married to be respected in the community, and leave leadership roles to men as they have an upper hand in everything as it is in our Swazi culture.” The advocacy for women’s empowerment never made sense to her before, but now she knows that women and men are equal.
The whole idea of forming men’s support groups was to show people, especially other men, that they can also contribute in their community without being labelled. He closed that even though he did not interact with Gender Links directly, he benefited a lot from the work that is has done with the Tsoelikana council.
The most important thing I learned is that if one tackles gender issues, we have tackled service delivery issues. From that perspective, Gweru has come a long way from being skeptical of taking gender issues seriously to making it central on our agenda.
Fact file Country Lesotho Province/Region Botha-Bothe Baseline score – 2013 58 Post 2015 Score 54-Green Population 15,627 Number of women councillors 5 Number of men councillors 9 Joined the […]