Cyber dialogue summaries

Instructions on joining the Cyber Dialogues

The cyber dialogues will kick off with a face to face discussion on the topic of the day. You are welcome to organise group discussions and then log in! There will be chat rooms in English, French, Portuguese, Afrikaans, Swahili, isiZulu (Ndebele, Siswati), and Sotho (Tswana).

November 20, 2012 Programs: 16 Days of Activism 2011 | Gender Justice

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 8 December 2011, We have Faith-gender justice and religion

“Most churches give a lot of support to people being abused, they play a big role as they solve problems in marriages and in homes where there is violence.À- Namibia

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 8 December 2011, Gender and Climate Change

“Church was and will remain the pillar of educating our communities, they are respected in our communities, hence to build their capacity will have positive after effects.À- South Africa

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 7 December 2011, Xenophobia, human security and migration

“At times I find myself extremely vexed and perplexed by the ingorance and belligerence of certain locals. Who helped them gain indepedence? Where were most of the politicians educated? Then they turn around and spit on those who helped them. But then again, what can we change if the goverment itself is xenophopic?À À“ South Africa

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 7 December 2011, Gender and Climate Change

“The impacts of climate change have been hardest in developing countries and the depletion of natural resources as well as conflict that has ensued as a result in other countries has forced migration on most groups within africa and other countries around the world.À À“ Kenya

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 6 December 2011, The role of men and boys

– In most cases they are the perpetrators.
– Women are also perpetrators of violence its just that when they perpetrate gender based violence it is not reported.
– Most of the time women inflict emotional abuse.
– It is not only men perpetrating violence, but more violence is perpetrated by men than any other group.
– In most marriages mothers in law encourage GBV.

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 6 December 2011, Gender and Climate Change

– The minister of environment and tourism/(ministry of environment).
– Academics, politicians, religious leaders and ordinary people À“ they all have to play a role in decision making.
– The government and business leaders are the key decision makers.
– Those that are in high positions.
– Some NGOs that are working on issues of climate change.

French: Cyber dialogue summary for 6 December 2011

Les participants sont tous d’avis que les hommes ne sont pas les seuls auteurs de la violence. Ils approuvent certes qu’un plus grand nombre de femmes subissent la violence même si hommes et femmes peuvent tous deux être enclins Á  en avoir recours.
Les participants de Madagascar font ressortir qu’il existe actuellement 80% de cas de violences l’égard des femmes Á  Tana. Les participants ont aussi mentionne les divers types de violences basée sur le genre qui peuvent prédominer. La violence verbale a spécialement attiré l’attention des participants.

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 2 December 2011, Gender and the workplace

Question 2: How prevalent is sexual harassment in your country?
– In Zimbabwe, it is highly prevalent and not much is being done to correct this.
– The problem is definition of sexual harassment, they do not think that is a problem…they need to be sensitised.
– This is because of the shortage of jobs on the job market; women are taken advantage of because they want to protect their jobs.
– It is not easy to report sexual harassment because you can easily be sacked. One day my boss showed up at my house carrying a bottle of wine. The office driver who knew house brought him. I had to pretend I was very ill and asked him to drop me at the Hospital.
– I am from Nairobi Kenya. The media are sexually harassed and female writers are expected to sleep with the editors for their stories to be placed on the page or to be given good assignments.

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 2 December 2011, Gender and climate change

Question 1: Which energy source do you rely on in your community?
– In Muhoroni, Kenya we have a lot of sun so we use solar energy. We also use charcoal to look and lanterns for reading.
– Trees for charcoal and firewood.
– Paraffin is the number one source of energy in Kenya.
– In Swaziland there is much energy sources but we rely on firewood.
– We get the charcoal from the market and people who burn trees next to the road especially at the corner around Nandi hills escarpments.
– We uses molasses and cow dung as a source of energy.The cow dung does not emit so much smoke at all and many women in Narok use it. The cow dung is packaged across the country. It is cheap and one ball goes for Sh7 and takes four hours on the jiko. It is also available at Toi market in Kibera and Kibuyu market in Kisumu. It is good because it has no carbon emmissions.
– In Swaziland most common is electricity and firewood.
– Wind energy is another option.

French: Cyber dialogue summary for 5 December 2011

« Les valeurs en RDC rejettent malheureusement les LGBT qui ont tendance Á  se replier sur eux-mêmes » RDC

English: Cyber dialogue summary for 5 December 2011, Violence against sexual minorities

“In Africa homophobia is the irrational fear or hatred of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and or transgendered people.À- Kenya