Summit News

VI Cimeira Nacional de Boas Práticas sobre a Implementação do Protocolo da SADC sobre Gênero e Desenvolvimento Pós-2015

By: Graça Maria– Maputo: 27th August 2019: Decorre desde ontem em Maputo, a VI Cimeira Nacional de Boas Práticas sobre a Implementação do Protocolo da SADC sobre Gênero e Desenvolvimento […]

National Summit of Good Practices of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development post 2015

By Graça Maria, Maputo, 04 July 2018: Under the motto “50/50 until 2030! Empowering women, ending gender-based violence and premarital marriages, “held the V National Summit on Good Practices on […]

Zezi Vre Zom* À“ Valoriser l’homme pour qu’il traite la femme comme son égale

Zezi Vre Zom* À“ Valoriser l’homme pour qu’il traite la femme comme son égale

L’Institut Cardinal Jean Margéot de Maurice (ICJM), centre de formation catholique, a lancé depuis janvier 2009 un programme de formation intitulé Zezi Vre Zom (ZVZ). Depuis la première session tenue Á  la paroisse de Rivière des Anguilles jusqu’Á  ce jour, il y a eu 55 sessions d’organisées Á  travers l’île et celles-ci ont concerné plus de 5600 hommes. L’objectif de ce programme, c’est de rapprocher les hommes du Christ Á  travers des méditations et échanges autour des lectures de la Bible et ce faisant, de leur montrer que Dieu a créé l’homme et la femme Á  son image, ce qui signifie que les deux sont égaux.

Sommet national de GL Á  Maurice: La MBC rafle cinq trophées

Sommet national de GL Á  Maurice: La MBC rafle cinq trophées

Maurice, 23 avril 2014 : Le quatrième sommet national de Gender Links portant sur le Protocole de la SADC@l’Å“uvre et dont les thèmes phares cette année sont la campagne 50/50 et l’agenda post 2015, a tenu toutes ses promesses. Bien que le nombre de participants dans les différentes catégories du concours ait été inférieur Á  l’année précédente, soit 42 soumissions contre 69 en 2013, « la qualité y était », a déclaré Loga Virahsawmy, ancienne directrice du bureau francophone de GL et toujours membre du conseil d’administration de cette organisation non-gouvernementale de l’Afrique australe. Cette manifestation étalée sur deux jours s’est clôturée hier soir Á  l’hôtel Gold Crest Á  Quatre-Bornes par l’habituelle remise des trophées aux gagnants ayant participé dans les 15 catégories en lice.

Male involvement in HIV initiatives still low

Male involvement in HIV initiatives still low

The non-involvement of men in HIV and AIDS initiatives in the region is one of the impediments to progress in addressing the effects of the pandemic. Theresa Sikute Chishimba from the Society for Women and AIDS (SWAAZ) in Zambia, said that women are at the forefront with very few men joining in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Citing examples from her organisations’ experiences, she said SWAAZ invites both women and men, but men never show any interest.

New Act set to increase women’s participation in local government

New Act set to increase women’s participation in local government

The National Assembly of Mauritius recently passed a new Local Government Act that aims to redress the low representation of women at local government level. A delegation of 19 Mauritians are attending the Third Gender Justice and Local Government Summit being hosted by Gender Links in Johannesburg, South Africa and they are not stopping at anything to tell other delegates about this recent development. Indeed, the Act has marked a revolutionary step in the history of Mauritius. The new Act could not have come at a better time as the country is preparing to go to local government elections some time this year. Currently, the representation of women in local government in Mauritius is at 6.4% and only 19% in Parliament.

Joining the IT super highway

Joining the IT super highway

The main conference hall turned into a computer jamboree on the last day of the Third Gender Justice and Local Government Summit on 25 April 2012. Participants took to the communications highway in a learning session on how to use the new information technology (IT). Approximately 100 computers including laptops were set up in the plenary for delegates to learn how to network with each other, navigate the Gender Links (GL) page, set up email and face book accounts. GL’s Chief of Operations, Kubi Rama, facilitated the fun session.

Gender mainstreaming or malestreaming?

Gender mainstreaming or malestreaming?

Participants at a Gender and Media Diversity (GMDC) seminar on Mainstreaming or malestreaming: Gender@work in organisations” have urged gender movements to involve men as equal partners in addressing gender inequalities. The older women in the movement should also mentor young girls so that they can close the intergenerational gap in the achievements made thus far to empower women and girls.

Gender Links affirms the work of local government stakeholders

Gender Links affirms the work of local government stakeholders

The third Gender Justice and Local Government summit closed in Johannesburg on 25 April 2012 with awards to women and men whose work on the ground won the highest accolades from judges and participants during presentations made earlier this week. The awards are used by Gender Links to affirm the work of local government stakeholders including councilors, community based organisations, municipalities and councils.

The world we want to see by 2015

The world we want to see by 2015

Participants welcomed the inclusion of the memory boxes and the issue of the environment and climate change on the agenda of this year’s summit, and noted that the issue must move beyond the halls of conferences. Bhekithemba Matsebula, a senior housing officer in the Swaziland Ministry of Housing says climate change should be part of our everyday lives. It should not be a subject reserved for special occasions such as summits.

Summit is a training ground for gender mainstreaming and ending GBV

Summit is a training ground for gender mainstreaming and ending GBV

Participants at the just ended Gender Justice and Local Government summit have described this year’s summit as a good training and learning ground for local authorities. Some 280 representatives from local government authorities, municipalities, non-governmental organisations, journalists and other professionals attended the summit organised by Gender Links (GL) under the banner “365 days of local action end violence and empower women.”

The time is now for the inclusion of climate change in the SADC Gender Protocol

The time is now for the inclusion of climate change in the SADC Gender Protocol

Participants to the third annual Gender Justice and Local Government summit signed a petition calling on governments in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to add an addendum on climate change and sustainable development to the SADC Protocol on Gender. Noting the impact of climate change on the lived realities of women, representatives from local authorities attending this year’s summit joined gender activists in urging governments not to leave out the issue in the gender protocol, which is a road map for achieving gender equality in the region. The protocol has 28 gender equality targets to be achieved by 2015