Partner News

MMA Adresses Sunday Times’ Misreporting of Human Trafficking

MMA Adresses Sunday Times’ Misreporting of Human Trafficking

The article on Sunday January 15th, 2012 “Woman tells of ordeal as drug-mule slave” refers. I would like to raise our concern about a crucial omission in the article, as well as highlight some additional ethical concerns.

The story presents a powerful firsthand account of a woman’s experience at the hands of drug traffickers.

African Fathers Initiative newsletter

African Fathers Initiative newsletter

African Fathers Initiative aims to be a continent-wide institutional base for the generation, collection, and dissemination of knowledge and skills about responsible and involved fatherhood across all races and faiths in Africa.

Call for Applications: Public Policy (A course for leaders in civil society, public and private sectors)

This course in public policy, governance and civil society is designed to provide basic fundamentals of public policy analysis to practitioners working in civil society organisations, public service and the private sector. To face the challenges of the new millennium, Africa needs leaders who can inspire those they lead;

Vacancy: Gender and the Media Country Facilitator Malawi

Gender Links, a Southern African NGO based in Johannesburg specialising in gender, media, women’s rights and governance, seeks the services of an experienced individual to serve as a country facilitator for its media Centres of Excellence (COE) project in Malawi. The main task of the incumbent will be to work with media houses to mainstream gender in media content and institutional practice.

MIJ media literacy graduation

The Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) participated in the gender and media literacy course provided by Gender Links in March 2011. Twenty six participants have since completed their projects which demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they gained from the course.

Human rights on the internet

In November 2011, 11 civil society organisations in South Africa including Gender Links joined forces to put together a UPR on human rights on the internet status update for South Africa. The submission focuses on: freedom of expression; the right to information; freedom from censorship; freedom of the press; the right to privacy; and the importance of affordable access to the internet.

Call for applications: Internship January-June 2012

Call for applications: Internship January-June 2012

A leading regional NGO working on gender equality offers an exciting opportunity to work as an intern in one of its programme areas. Gender Links (GL) is providing a six month long internship programme, which commences on the 13th of January 2012.

Vacancy: Knowledge and Learning Manager

Gender Links, a dynamic Southern African NGO based in Johannesburg seeks to fill the post of Knowledge and Learning Manager. All applications must be received by close of business on Friday 16 December. Late applications will not be considered.

Moraba: The Gender and Violence Game

Moraba: The Gender and Violence Game

As part of the UNiTE campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls, the Southern African Regional Office of UN Women has commissioned Afroes to create a mobile game targeting young people

MIJ media literacy graduation

The Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) participated in the gender and media literacy course provided by Gender Links in March 2011. Twenty six participants have since completed their projects which demonstrate the knowledge and skills that they gained from the course.

Lusophone commentary service takes off

The Gender Links Lusophone service is taking off in October 2011. The service will be covering Angola and Mozambique and Paola Rolletta, a distinguished journalist is the editor.

Mainstreaming gender in media education

Mainstreaming gender in media education

After the exercise to mainstream gender in the curriculum, the Polytechnic of Malawi successfully mainstreamed gender in four modules this past semester. These are: Media Criticism; Media Regulation, Policy and Law; Media and Society; and Communication Studies.