Join our cyber dialogues at 13h00 (SA Time) and log on to the online chat discussing Human Trafficking and migrant women.
Gender Links in partnership with Tswaranang Legal Advice Centre will hold a face to face discussion with a group of sex workers who will share their experiences of gender based violence. Community radio practitioners and journalists will also be present.
A group of male ex-perpetrators of violence will speak out against gender based violence. Gender LInks has compiled a collection of their first hand accounts as part of the 16 Days campaign. Young men will also join the dialogue so that we can have a cross-generational discussion. Community radio practitioners and journalists will also be present.
Join us and log on to the cyber dialogues for discussions on “Disability and GBV” at 13h00 today.
If you want to know about the Internet, talk to me. I live on the Internet.
-Claire Fabre, age 12
Approximately 30 participants gathered at Gender Links offices in Johannesburg on November 29, 2010 to discuss GBV and the Internet. The group primarily comprised young people from both the Sacred Heart School in Observatory and the Khunumani Support Group, Soweto.
Join us for a debate on “Sexual Orientation and GBV” at 11h00 today. You can log on to the online chat for further discussions at 13h00.
Join us on Wednesday 1 December from 10h00 for a Community meeting with care givers from Lets Grow, Orange Farm, for discussions on our theme, Making care work count – World AIDS day.
Log on to the online chat at 13h00.
Join us from 10h30 for a discussion with informal traders who speak out on economic violence. The cyber dialogues follow at 13h00 with the theme “Score a goal for gender equality: kick out economic violence”
Join us from 10h30 – 12h30 for the launch of book: Speaking out can set you free – the South African experience, with past and present participants in this project. Also join the cyber dialogues from 13h00 – 14h00.
Join the cyber dialogues and log on to the online chat.
(SA time)
The Critical Thinking Forum in partnership with Gender Links invites you to a thought provoking debate to kick start the 16 Days of Activism against Gendr Violence. It will feature findings from the South Africa Gender and Media Progress Study and preliminary findings of the Gauteng Gender Based Violence prevalence survey conducted by Gender Links and the Medical Research Council.
Gender Links, the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance, in collaboration with the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) cordially invites you to the launch of the SADC 2010 Barometer and the 16 Days of Activism against GBV.