Research and Policy

Gender Links to focus on media houses-Mmegi

Gender Links has urged media houses to sign and introduce a gender policy to guide them in their reporting. The organisation has already approached media houses to engage them in a campaign to drive implementation of the policy. Media consultant and co-owner of The Voice newspaper Beata Kasale, has been identified to spearhead the campaign that will engage news rooms in discussions towards changing their mindsets and approach to gender issues. The campaign also aims to empower women to rise to positions of management in their newsrooms. Speaking to Mmegi, Kasale said they again intended to encourage news rooms to intergrate women in management positions .She said a Gender Links study conducted in newsrooms last year had identified gaps that the campaign intended to bridge.

Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation: Gender Policy

Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation: Gender Policy

This policy aims to ensure gender balance and gender sensitivity at all levels. The MBC recognises its responsibility to achieve the objectives of the policy and to act as an agent for promoting gender equality in the rest of society.

National Democratic Institute (NDI): Enhancing women’s political participation in Southern Africa

The purpose of this project which is taking place in Lesotho and Botswana is to assist the three main political parties in these countries to develop a framework for assessing current challenges to women’s political leadership within their respective structures and develop action plans to address the identified needs

August 5, 2010 Themes: Gender equality | Politics

Agent BPO a domicile: autonome et pres de sa famille

L’article informe au sujet du nouveau projet de la Board of Investment (BoI) pour tous ceux qui souhaitent travailler chez eux. La BoI offre des postes d’agents de Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Cet article met la femme en avant. Le journaliste informe qu’Ooma Devi Persand fait partie des premiers employĂ©s Á  bĂ©nĂ©ficier de ce service. L’artefact inclue deux grandes photos dont l’une illustrant une jeune femme travaillant de chez elle et l’autre une mĂšre, tenant son enfant tout en jonglant avec le travail et la famille. Le minimum requis pour les candidats est un Form V, des connaissances en informatiques et une expĂ©rience dans le domaine souhaitĂ©. Travailler de chez soi comporte certes quelques inconvĂ©nients tels que le manque de support en cas de difficultĂ©s et l’absence d’un informaticien au cas oĂč l’ordinateur tombe en panne.

July 20, 2010 Themes: Economics Programs: Gender Aware | News | News | Sources | VRC Case studies

Traffic Humain : La prostitution forcée en passe de devenir un fléau

Un rapport rendu par les Etats-Unis sur Maurice ne dĂ©clare que la prostitution forcĂ©e est en phase de devenir un vĂ©ritable flĂ©au a Maurice. Les adolescentes ainsi que les enfants y sont entraines par des hommes d’affaires ou des proches.

July 9, 2010 Themes: Sex work Programs: Gender Aware | News Analysis | Sources | VRC Clippings

Avortement : Collen v Leblanc : Le Match

Cet article fait Ă©tat de la loi au sujet de l’avortement. Elle se penche vers l’opinion de Collen v Leblanc. Collen en faveur de la dĂ©criminalisation de l’avortement. Les diverses raisons inclues les circonstances trĂšs difficiles de certaines femmes qui ont Ă©tĂ© victimes de viol ou d’inceste. Collen fait ressortir la diffĂ©rence entre un fÅ“tus est une vie humaine. Elle explique qu’un fÅ“tus est une vie humaine potentielle n’ayant pas encore prit forme. D’un point de vue politique, nous apprenons que les gouvernements font le choix de cĂ©der aux pressions religieuses au dĂ©triment des femmes. Collen encourage une collaboration entre le Premier Ministre et le leader de l’opposition pour faire voter une motion.

Kaya FM Gender Policy

– A station that reflects our community.
– Gender sensitive/responsive institution in editorial content, marketing/advertising.
– Challenging stereotypes.
– Leading the way

February 28, 2010 Themes: Media Programs: Gender & Media | Gender Policies | Policy and action plans

Zimbabwe MAP Policies

The MAP policy roll out process in Zimbabwe unfortunately is yet to take off. The socio-economic and political situation has influenced a rather tepid response from publishers and managers of media houses in that country.

Botswana Map Policies

Botswana Map Policies

The Media Action Plan (MAP) on HIV and AIDS and Gender initially started with a target of 11 media houses in Botswana. These were; Mmegi/The Reporter, Daily News, Botswana Press Agency; Radio Botswana, The Botswana Guardian and Midweek Sun, The Voice, The Botswana Gazette, Gabz FM, Yarona FM, Sunday Standard and The Mirror.

MISA Draft Policy and Action Plan

Draft gender and policy action plan for the region’s main advocacy and lobbying network on issues of media freedom.

Western Cape gearing up for GBV action plans

South Africa’s nine provinces are currently participating in GBV action plans workshops and the Western Cape is taking these workshops very serious.