
Alliance Post-2015 Demands

Conduct a thorough and honest review of the last seven years, and use this to reposition for 2030. Ensure that all gender provisions of the SDG’s are incorporated. Go further […]

March 6, 2015

GL at CSW 59

Tuesday 10 March 20156.15pmUN Church Centre BuildingGender Links and the SGPA will hosting a side event to discuss the development of a gender responsive implementation framework for the post 2015 […]

March 6, 2015 Programs: SADC Gender Protocol & Alliance

Casamentos prematuros perpetuam violência baseada no género

Casamentos prematuros perpetuam violência baseada no género

Maputo, 4 de Dezembro: Os casamentos prematuros, de acordo com alguns activistas dos direitos da mulher e da criança, propiciam a violência baseada no género. As raparigas esposadas, muito cedo abandonam a escola para se dedicarem aos maridos. A directora executiva da Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade (FDC), Zélia Menete, defende que a educação é um bem essencial para prevenir este tipo de violência.

International Human Rights Day – Yes we must!

10 December 2014 Can we halve GBV by 2030?What do we want to see? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

Human trafficking and slavery – Abolish slavery

9 December 2014 Human trafficking. Who bears the greatest burden? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

Commercial and transactional sex – Economic agency for gender equality

8 December 2014 Should sex work be legalised? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

Diverse sexuality and gender identities – Embrace diversity

5 December 2014 Does prejudice fuel gender violence?Are people of different sexualities and gender identities less worthy of human rights?What is homophobia and transphobia? How does prejudice fuel gender based […]

November 28, 2014

Harmful practices, GBV and economic disempowerment – Voice, choice and control

4 December 2014 Should forced/ early marriage be criminalised? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

International Day of Disablillity – For an enabling society

3 December 2014 Should society better support differently abled people? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

Femicide – getting away with murder

2 December 2014 Are govts doing enough about femicide cases and justice? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

World Aids Day

1 December 2014 Can we curb HIV with gender equality? Tell us what you think on our Facebook page

November 28, 2014

The cost of GBV

28 November Is GBV costly ? Should more men be fighting GBV?

November 28, 2014