November’s Alliance News is integrated into the Sixteen Days of Activism Newsletter, going out daily during the Sixteen Days campaign period. The newsletter is packed with plans, reflections and reviews of the road we have travelled to tackle gender based violence (GBV). The information also demonstrates how far much farther we must travel to eradicate gender violence and end the war on women’s bodies.
Malgré toutes les instances mises sur pied et qui permettent aux femmes qui subissent la discrimination de s’élever contre le traitement dont elles font l’objet, celles-ci en font fi et intériorisent tout. C’est ce qu’explique Brian Glover, président de la Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) et Chief Judge lors du sommet national de GL sur le Protocole de la SADC@l’Å“uvre.
Véronique Célestin est éperdue de gratitude. Une reconnaissance dirigée vers l’organisation non-gouvernementale Gender Links (GL) qui lui a permis de prendre conscience, au cours d’une formation d’une semaine en entreprenariat, de ses capacités et de monter sa petite entreprise.
Maurice, 23 avril 2014 : Le quatrième sommet national de Gender Links portant sur le Protocole de la SADC@l’Å“uvre et dont les thèmes phares cette année sont la campagne 50/50 et l’agenda post 2015, a tenu toutes ses promesses. Bien que le nombre de participants dans les différentes catégories du concours ait été inférieur Á l’année précédente, soit 42 soumissions contre 69 en 2013, « la qualité y était », a déclaré Loga Virahsawmy, ancienne directrice du bureau francophone de GL et toujours membre du conseil d’administration de cette organisation non-gouvernementale de l’Afrique australe. Cette manifestation étalée sur deux jours s’est clôturée hier soir Á l’hôtel Gold Crest Á Quatre-Bornes par l’habituelle remise des trophées aux gagnants ayant participé dans les 15 catégories en lice.
Il y a certaines femmes que la violence répétitive broie et réduit en charpie. D’autres par contre, plient le genou, chutent brutalement mais parviennent tout de même Á se relever grâce au coup de pouce des uns et des autres ou encore Á des mouvements d’activistes du genre. C’est le cas de Noëlette Smirone, qui gère aujourd’hui sa petite entreprise et ce, grâce Á la formation en entreprenariat dispensée par Gender Links (GL).
A suspected rapist got more than he bargained for when he was beaten to a pulp as he attempted to rape a woman in her house at Mabudutsa ward in Maun.
Gideon Marunga,36 ,had his testicles smashed and his penis pulled and twisted by his victims male friend, who was sharing a bed with her when the rapist struck in the early hours of Monday morning.
The suspect was admitted to Letshoathebe Hospital under police escort where he underwent emergency surgery in an attempt to save his battered manhood.
A 39 year od woman from Nshakazhokwe village died from excessive bleeding at Tutume primary hospital some few hours after she was attacked by her jealous boy friend over the weekend. The woman was allegedly attacked with a knobkerrie by her lover who is believed to have been drunk at the time. The accused, currently helping police with investigations into the murder was nabbed a day after committing the offence in a bush near Sebina village.The man is said to have been convinced that his girlfriend was seeing another man.
A 29 year old man of Boseja ward was arrested while asleep after he allegedly raped a 75 year old pensioner at Sedie ward in MaunJacob Senyamba who is well known to the grannys family knew that the old woman slept alone in a house next to her grand daughters house. Police say they did not know how he gained entry into the house but he was found fast asleep inside the victims blankets and arrested on the 31st August 2012. Officer in charge at Criminal Investigative Office ,Detective Assistant Superintendent Motlapele Marupamabe told The Voice that Senyamba sneaked into the old womans house at night between 2200 and 2300 hours. The Superintendent further revealed that before committing the rape, Senyamba allegedly threatened to kill the old woman if she called for help or screamed.
A woman who was left paralysed after suffrering a stroke has pleaded with members of the public to assist her restore her dignity.Bophelo Gabaeme 42, decided to make the plea after she got fed up of living in un hygienic conditions with no toilet and no running water.
Gabaeme suffered the massive stroke that left her bedridden in 2007.Ever since she has endured the humiliation of living in unhygienic conditions whereby she often sleeps in soiled sheets because she can not be lifted to the neighbours to ask for the use of their toilet and neither does she have water for her care givers to wash the sheets.
“Although i am on home based care, i have all my senses and itis disgusting and humiliating for me to eat in a stuffy room like this one,”Gabaeme explained. The woman who was diagonosed with HIV and put on ARVs in 2007 following the stroke attack lives in a dusty room with just one small window.
The High Court has set aside a matter in which Ozathi Makhaya allegedly engaged in sexual relations with his step daughter from the time she was nine years old in 2002 until she was 16 in 2009. Makhaya allegedly committed the offences in Francistown and Shsshemooke. The case was placed before the high court for sentencing as the principal magistrate who presided over it bowed out , saying it was out of his jurisdiction because the matter called for more than 20 imprisonment. Justice Gaopalelwe Ketlogetswe of the High Court said yesterdaythat before sentencing the accused , he needed to determine whether the case was rightfully placed before him by establishing whether the magistrate indeed have jurisdiction to decide it whether the matter was rape or defilement .
A Francistown court has jailed man for a sickening sex attack on his orphaned niece. Kenneth Bafedile (39) of Tati Siding will spend an effective nine years behind bars after senior magistrate Kgololesego Segabo backdated the sentence to the time he was first incarcerated in July 2011. The court returned a guilty verdict after satisfying itself that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt. The court heard that on the night of 9 May 2011, Bafedile forced himself on the complainant who is the daughter to his fiancee’s sister.
A Molepolole grandmother was left disappointed and helpless after the village police allegedly failed to arrest the people who raped her mentatlly retarded grand daughter. The grand daughter is also blind. According to the granny, men and village boys are in the notorious habit of using her as a sex object even as they are aware of her condition. The granny told The Midweek Sun that in the month of April alone , she reported five rape incidents involving two Batswana men and three Zimbabweans at Molepolole police station , but did not receive any help ” The Zimbabwean men took turns sleeping with her and she forgot her clothing at their house, which led to our findings that she was raped,” said the granny