Mob kill man after assaulting granny_Sunday Express_5-11 April 2015

Mob kill man after assaulting granny_Sunday Express_5-11 April 2015

Date: April 5, 2015
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Name of article: Mob kill man after assaulting granny

Name of publication: Sunday Express

Date: 5-11 April 2015

Country: Lesotho

Theme: GBV

GEM Classification: Gender Awareness

Genre: News

Skill: Sources


The focus in too many GBV stories occurs around just one incident. Journalists often write brief stories with very short descriptions of the incident. In one article from Lesotho’s Sunday Express (5-11 April 2015) about an elderly woman whose grandson assaulted her for allegedly not serving him food, the journalist merely relates the occurrence of events.

The story fails to explore the vicious cycle of violence in many communities where one act of violence can trigger more acts. The writer does not access the voice of the elderly women who is also a survivor of violence. The media missed the opportunity to capture these relevant views.

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