Norway to help fight female circumcision – Star

Norway to help fight female circumcision – Star

Date: September 8, 2007
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2 thoughts on “Norway to help fight female circumcision – Star”

Molla Gojam says:

I am Molla Gojam Arjejo, 44, from Ethiopia, married, Pastor and Church worker . . . I support the fight female circumcision. therefore, I appreciate the Norway to help female circumcision fighting. I am interested in fighting Harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation FGM/female circumcision FC. and I wrote my graduation thesis and an article for Mekane Yesus College. In Hadiya society, the teen age girls and an old (45 old) women are experiencing circumcision. to fight the female circumcision as the pastor always I am delivering lessons to the mass. courses, workshops and training are conducted, but because of a typical disease called <> women are inf aver of circumcision as means of Curative. Therefor, to fight against female circumcision joining hands will help a lot.

Molla Gojam says:

Female circumcision is global issue. Mostly the female in Africa are suffering. I appreciate the Norway for helping fight female circumcision-Sta. Women are God’s created human fabricating system organ owners. If the fabricating organ is destroyed, the mother and the infant suffers and die. Women organ is the holy and without any mistake for infant fertility. Government and religious leaders are responsible to work on female circumcision eradication.

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