Recordando a Companheira_Zambeze_ 07 April 2015

Recordando a Companheira_Zambeze_ 07 April 2015

Date: April 7, 2015
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Name of article: Recordando a Companheira

Name of Publication: Zambeze

Date:  07 April 2015

Country: Mozambique

Theme: Gender Equality

Skills: Language

Genre: News

GEM classification: Gender Aware


This article highlighted the following:

* It was an ongoing believe that women were not capable of leading people neither the less a whole country but today the article reminds us of the contribution of women for the fight against apartheid.

* The articles reminds the people of a heroine who led Mozambique to accomplish freedom and free everyone from the Portuguese colonization.

* The article recognizes women leadership and states that women before had no saying in the FRELIMO part but now because of the input they had on the fight against apartheid as it is stated in the article “antes da luta na nossa sociedade mulhers tinham prioridades mas hoje na FRELIMO a mulher moçambicana tem voz e um papel  a desempenhar e exprimir as suas  opnioes . Tem Liberdade de dizer o que quiser. Tem os mesmos deveres que qualquer outro militante” there before, the duties of a Mozambican women has changed ,they are not only good or responsible for house duties but now they have been given power to input on tactics  on how the country should be driven and are recognized in the FRELIMO part and they are given posts to delegate.

1. Headlines. The headline is relevant to the story for there is a link between the headline and the story reinforces that women are capable of performing the same amount of military work in their professional field and deliver similar results as to men. The article Reminds the country of a young lady who contributed a lot on the fight against white colonisation  MRs. Josina Machel and it recognizes the women as an individual before her maritius status to the late former president of Mozambique Samora Machel were it states her previous single marital  status surname Josina Muthemba”.

2. Sources. The source focus on one gender but recognize the need to mention the Former late President Samora Machel to whom she “Josina Muthemba” was married to and their son giving the article the resence of both Gender yet focusing on the prior of the article which was women since the article was about women´s day.

3. Language. The article uses phrases like “ a data vem sendo consagrada desde os tempos da luta armada, e tem sevido de incetivo para a luta que as mulhers tem travado desde os tempos da luta armada,e tem servido de incetivo para a luta que as mulhers tem travado em todo o mundo para assumpçao dos seus direitos” as a way of pointing out the input women held during the fight against White colonization and how they are viewed also as heroines today.

4. Visual images. The image illustrate the content of the story fairly for it corresponds with what was said in the article yet it does not works with the opinion of both gender. The image also shows the appreciation and lamentation of the loss of a very important person in the article.

5. Story angle and perspective. The article has a single gender does not require the insource of none genders for it was written from the editors knowledge on the article. The article would have been more efficiency if it had the voice of either both genders.

6. Placement or positioning. There are value added to the article for the article is placed on top and the picture is a relevant to the article. The way the article is positioned in the newspaper shows the importance it carries with it. The article is also placed next to other important articles in the newspaper which share similar subject to it.

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