‘Retraite: Placer des indemnities en toute securite’_Le Defi Quotidien_14 April 2015

‘Retraite: Placer des indemnities en toute securite’_Le Defi Quotidien_14 April 2015

Date: April 14, 2015
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Name of article: ‘Retraite: Placer des indemnities en toute securite’

Name of publication: Le Defi Quotidien

date: 14 April 2015

country: Mauritius

Theme: Gender equality

Genre: News

GEM Classification: Gender Blind

Skill: Language

This article talks about retirement scheme following the alleged fraud case of BAI Insurance where many retired people invested their money.

This case is a missed opportunity since it considered the views of male figures only. Two spokesperson in this article are both male giving their popular opinion on how this fraud case should make people more cautious about where to invest their money. The article does not consider the view of women as if retired women do not invest their money. Finance and investment is seen as a male issue and which should be discussed by males alone.

Given the fact that women are not given voice in this article shows that the society believes that retired men only have huge sums of money to invest and that woman as home makers only are not included in decision making around finance issues.

Additionally the article comes with a picture of a male who seems stressed and is taping his head. The picture is again a biased one showing that men only are concerned with retirement schemes and finance issues.

The article could have been a good case if it had considered the views of men and women at the same time to better understand the gender dimension of retirement and related issues such as problems faced by men and women during retirement. The article could have equally provide solutions instead of only making an analysis of the situation.


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