Name of Story: The rising scourge of rape
Name of Publication: Windhoek Observer
Country: Namibia
Date: 24 April 15
Theme: GBV
Genre: News
GEM Classification: Gender Awareness
Skill: Language
Gender Coverage of GBV should go beyond events and court reporting and probe causes in order to curb this social problem. This is a classic example of a gender aware story that investigates causes of GBV, highlights the statistics and the handling of GBV cases; provides information on support and legislation on GBV is
The article attempts to analyse why so many rapes are occurring in Namibia. It puts into context sexual violence cases in the country linking several incidents to each other. It explores the reasons on the culture and the differential impact on between men and women. The author presents various possible causes of the increase in rape in simple language. The story differs from others in that it goes further into analysis giving figures relating to the GBV in the country.
Most of all it offers information on support services available to survivors of GBV does not put the blame on the victims or the clothes they choose to wear, but considers other causes. It mentions cases of two women who have been raped in separate incidents in public spaces shedding light on the lack of security in public spaces for women
The language used is gender-sensitive and neutal. It does not stereotype the issue . The article is informative and it can become an example of how the media can be a tool to drive awareness on GBV
Source: The article has multiple sources including a voice of a survivor of GBV. The police and NGO representatives are also interviewd in the storyThe write also uses secondary sources of information like the SADC Gender Protocol barometer and the constitution which highlight well documented information on the topic which help to strengthen the story.
Placement and position : The story is given priority appearing on page 4 of the Friday 24 April issue right at the top.
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!https://t.co/6kPcu2Whwm pic.twitter.com/d60tsBqJwx
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024
Comment on The rising scourge of rape_Windhoek Observer_24 April 15