SABC 2 VENDA NEWS 15/01/2019

Date: March 31, 2019
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Name of monitor: Petronell Ngonyama
Name of Television station: News
Name of programme: News
Date of broadcast: 15 January 2019
Time: 19:30
Genre: News
Theme: Sports
Skills: Portrayal, sources
GBV focus explicit or implicit: Implicit
Gem Classification: Gender Aware

South African football association prepares Banyana-Banyana for the upcoming tournament of Winnie Mandela and Albertina Sisulu in honour of those two heroines. The tournament will take place in Cape Town where Banyana will challenge Netherlands and Sweden. The News clip indicates that: women too are able to reach great heights in the world of sports. The headline disregards gender stereotypes rooted in our society about women in sports. It indicates the prominence that female football has in the nation.

The scene is a standalone where there is an announcement of the tournament although the team has been playing for quite some time but on this topic it’s a standalone.

Why it has been given this GEM classification:
The news scene is Gender Aware, it recognises football as a sport, which can be played by both males and females, provided there is skills and talent.

Banyana Banyana to play in Winnie Mandela and Albertina Sisulu Tournament. Is a good tittle in that it shows what the tournament is all about and it acknowledges the two fallen heroines.

Focus: the focus is not on Gender Based violence but on reaching Gender Parity in sports for women.

People in the news item:
There were four people in the news clip two women and two man. This gives a balance in terms of viewpoints and also sources. No one dominated over the other one which is a good portrayal.

The language use did not degrade the worth of sports women but brought empowerment to a lot of women sportspersons.

The image shows relevance to what the news story is about. It also displays members of the families who the tournament is about. The members are also part of the sources which makes them to be active in the gathering.

Angles and perspective
There four people in the news clip are all experts in different fields. There was a fair voicing of viewpoints in all the parties, no one predominated the other. The reporting had a balanced number of female and male sources. In addition all the sources had good eminence. All the viewpoints of the sources when interviewed fall on the same topic, which is the “Mandela and Sisulu Tournament”.

The scene does not show discrimination reinforces gender parity in sports. It recognises sports as a collective thing played by all genders. It also brings encouragement to women in other fields of sports to know that it is possible to reach great heights in life. The reporting also acknowledges the role played by the two legends who had a great impact of change in the nation. This article brings empowerment to all the upcoming female sportspersons and those who had lost hope in the sports industry.

The news clip had a balance of sources and the viewpoints of the sources when interviewed matched what the topic is about. This shows that the process of gender equality in sports is being paved in the correct manner so that all the upcoming women sportsperson do not feel undervalued.


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