“shock teen pregnancy for E Cape”_Daily Dispatch_9 April 2015

“shock teen pregnancy for E Cape”_Daily Dispatch_9 April 2015

Date: April 9, 2015
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Name of article: “shock teen pregnancy for E Cape”

Name of publication: Daily Dispatch

Date: 9 April 2015

Country: South Africa

Theme: Reproductive Health

GEM Classification: Gender Blind

Genre: News

Skill: Accuracy


An article from South Africa’s Daily Dispatch newspaper 9 April 2015 “shock teen pregnancy” figures for Eastern Cape. The article focuses on the high rates of teen pregnancies in the country. However, the writer fails to bring out, in depth, the issue of HIV and AIDS in light of the rates of teen pregnancy.

HIV is only mentioned in a quotation from one of the source. This is especially worrying because as shown above high rates of new infections are occurring amongst adolescents and young women between 15 and 24 years old which is the same age group these teenagers fall into.

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