Southern Africa: Comments from drivers of change

Southern Africa: Comments from drivers of change

Date: October 28, 2014
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Following the three SADC Gender Protocol@Work Summits that took place this week in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania,vearious participants, delegates and guests shared thier thoughts of the summits and the importance of not only acknowledging progress made but fast tracking gender mainstreaming in all levels of society. MAny had some very wise words reagrding the responisbility of media and governemnt in pushing the gender equality agenda forward.


“The media has a big role to play in propagating the 50/50 agenda because we have access to both sides: the leaders on one side and the masses on the other and to provide them information and knowledge. This is why it is important to have equality between men and women in all levels of decision making.” – Pili Mtambalike, Regulations and Standards Manager, Media Council of Tanzania (MCT).






“The media can make 50/50 a reality, we journalists can do this by reporting on the challenges that women face and giving importance to gender issues. Many problems are happening in the rural areas and it is high time journalists started looking for stories in the country side.”- Emmanuel James, Journalist & gender activist, Tanzania.






“The pen is mightier than the sword; the media fraternity has the power to bring prominence to issues that the society does not consider important. It is important that journalists knew that they can transform the society and help the attainment of a balanced gender representation.” – Valerie Msoka, Executive Director of Tanzania Media Women Association (TAMWA).






“As Women in the media, we need to create an alternative culture that will challenge the embedded traditions that dictate what we should or should not do as women. The media sets the agenda, it tells the public what is important and not. If women issues are not given priority in the news coverage then the public will not be informed and womens’ effort of breaking the barriers around them will end in vain.”- Anna Matenga, Journalist from Radio Kwizera, Tanzania.





“Para alcançar as metas para 2015 temos que pegar os actores locais, lÁ­deres comunitÁ¡rios para difundirem a informação para a comunidade. Os secretÁ¡rios dos bairros devem ser os impulsionadores para a consciencialização das mulheres sobre os seus direitos.”- Alberto Boane , Vereador para a Á¡rea de assuntos sociais, planificação e transportes da Cidade de Chibuto, Gaza, Moçambique.







“Para atingirmos as metas devemos fazer muitos processos em simultâneo em todos os sectores, investindo na educação, acesso a informação, capacitação técnico- profissional, assim como no empoderamento das mulheres para fazê-las perceber que podem participar, se candidatar e exercer cargos de liderança.”-Graça Samo, Fórum da Mulher, Moçambique.







These vox pops are part of the GL News Service special coverage of the SADC Gender Protocol Summits underway across the region, offering fresh views on everyday news.


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