Southern Africa: Gender drivers strategise to fast track 5050

Southern Africa: Gender drivers strategise to fast track 5050

Date: September 9, 2014
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Johannesburg, 28 May: A 5050 plenary session held yesterday at the SADC Gender Protocol Summit underway in Johannesburg, has called for equal representation of women in decision-making positions in all sectors of society before 2015 -the deadline for achieving the 28 targets of the SADC Gender protocol.

The 5050 campaign is a primary theme for this year’s summit, because no country has met the 5050 target and activists are pushing for gender parity since there are a number of elections taking place across Southern Africa before 2015. The round session brought together activists, government, ministers, media and faith-based organisations from all over SADC to share how far each country has come and how far each country needs to go to reach 5050.

Click here to watch what came out of the session

This vodcast is part of the GL News Service special coverage of the SADC Gender Protocol Summit underway in South Africa, offering fresh views on everyday news.

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