My father raped me

My father raped me

Date: May 6, 2013
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I was only nine years old when my father started having sex with me. I really cannot explain how it all started but there was no violence and he did not force me. I don’t know if I accepted because I was not a virgin.

In fact a neighbour told me he was madly in love with me. I met him a couple of times and one day he asked me to accompany him to the shop. To my surprise, he did not take me to the shop but to a bush nearby and he raped me there. I did not tell anybody about my traumatic experience.

Soon after this terrible experience my father started to have sex with me. This lasted for nearly four years. I cannot explain why I accepted and why he did it. Maybe I thought it was normal because he was my father. He was not violent and has never taken off my clothes by force.

Nobody knew about this. But one day while I was cleaning the house I could feel my cousin staring at me. She could not take her eyes off me. I started to question her and she said that she saw that something inside me turning around. I was taken aback and said there was nothing under my dress.

She insisted that she saw something and came closer to me to touch my stomach. We were both horrified to learn that indeed there was something inside me. She immediately told my mother and my uncle accompanied us to the doctor. The Doctor confirmed that I was six months pregnant.

The baby was born by caesarean. I stayed in hospital for a few days and at the same time the Child Protection Unit did an enquiry. After the hospital instead of returning home I was sent to the shelter with my baby. I was told that my father went to prison because he should not have had sex with me.

I am very happy at the shelter with my beautiful little girl but unfortunately I cannot participate in the activities of the shelter as I have to look after my baby. My mentors are very caring and they have taught me how to look after my baby. They are even prepared to look after my baby so that I can participate in one or two events but I cannot go out for training, for example.

I am positive about myself and count my blessings that my life is not completely ruined. I find other things to do while the others go for yoga or theatre classes. I enjoy gardening and last year I got a little plot of land in the garden of the shelter and planted some herbs. Seeing my plants flourishing gave me great pleasure.

My sadness is that I would love to follow a class in theatre but cannot as I have to take care of my baby. Who knows may be one day when I go out of the shelter I will able to start a new life.

I have been told that once I turn 18 my case will go to court and I will most probably be able to live on my own if I so wish. I am sincerely planning to go and live with my “nani” (grandmother). My uncle told me that he has bought a piece of land for me. My nani has agreed to look after my baby so that I can undergo some kind of training to allow me to get a job.

I want my daughter to live a normal life. Go to school and have a good education. If my father wants to see his daughter I will not refuse. On the contrary the baby is his as well and he must be able to care for her and I sincerely hope that once he gets out of prison he will at least give some financial help so that the baby can have a good quality of life.

*Not her real name. This story is part of the “I” Stories series produced by the Gender Links Opinion and Commentary Service for the Sixteen Days of Activism on Gender Violence.

20 thoughts on “My father raped me”

Mercy says:

These stories are so sad you need to seek God . Won’t be easy

Brian says:

You think your father has a rihht to see your daughter? He gave up that right when he betrayed your trust. Whats to say eventually he wont try this with her? Really think about this before doing it and talk to someone to get a second opinion.

Prisca says:

Your father should be ashamed of himself and pay for his sins. I wish he got life imprisonment.

person says:

very intersting…


this father is mad having sex with doughter oh my JESUS

Justsomechick says:

Indeed it is

Norman says:

i want to no what kind of child comes form it do it like male or female

norman says:

i am trying to understand life up on this plant it i am not here to hurt or do harm i am looking for truth daughter and farther sex is not the way of life and i am trying to understand what kind of offspring comes form this sex play it is wrong for the daughter to go to the father for sex but i like to no what the offspring is like if it is a male do it like to have sex with outher males or do there like female the same as for the girl that comes form sex that was not to be i need to no the truth is this how it all start it what kind of child comes form it

norman says:

no harm looking for truth

carla says:

marvelous story. Thanks for your story-

monk says:

the world is changing

Lucus says:

Don’t leave your new baby over at grandma’s, uncles, or at any relatives houses, especially overnight. Your daughter will also keep quiet if it happens to her and it will happen that 1 day when you not watching. I’ve been seeing strange patterns with sexually abused people in general. Most of their offspring get sexually abused as well. If a daughter is raped, then 9 out of 10, the mother was raped and the grand daughter will be too. Tell your daughter about this while she is young so she knows what to look out for and that she can talk to you if it happens.

Martins says:

This is so crazy

Davies says:

Too sad for what has happened to u
Anyway forgive your father

Mia says:

I don’t think he should be able to see her but it is your decisión wishing you the best of luck i hope you choose your future wisely Ya me Care if your daughter and don’t ley the Same thing hope to her.

shamsuddeen safiyanu says:

god for bit god sake

Zach says:

I hope your father rot in jail.

Brandy Sexton says:

It’s good that you want to try to have a normal life but if you think that your dad has a right to see your daughter just make sure that someone can be there to keep an eye on him. Because if he could rape you how do you know that he won’t rape her as well? Don’t give him the opportunity.

Albigdaddy says:

Good story thank you!

Kathie says:

This is so sad. I was also raped by my stepdad for 5 years. It started when I was 10.He told me it was a game and made me believe it was ok.At 12 I fell pregnant… I was so ashamed that I wanted to kill myself. He told me to say I had sex with a boy from a party and I had an abortion and he threatened to kill me if I speak. He made me pregnant again at 13 and I begged him to have it. He raped me even more often when I was pregnant, sometimes up to three times a day until after 4 months of heavy rapes, I had a miscarriage. I think he knew that that could happen. Finally I fell pregnant again at 15 and I told my mom everything about him and his threats. I have a healthy baby girl who’s one year old now.

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