Bruneau Woomed – a man who is one with women

Bruneau Woomed – a man who is one with women

Date: May 25, 2014
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“He is one of us:” “God sent us an Angel” These are words which are often used for Bruneau Woomed Bruneau Woomed is a Driver of Change who is fully engaged in the empowerment of women through his role as National Coordinator and Head Coach of the WIN Leadership Programme (WLP). He has been an inspiration to the 240 women leaders he has trained, coached, mentored and accompanied since WLP was launched in 2008. As several have testified, Bruneau has helped to unlock their potential and made them move forward and change their lives, whether by taking leadership roles or by taking important personal decisions. Bruneau is also very involved with “Women in Politics” of which he was a founder member in 2009. As Head Trainer, he helped create the training materials and conducted the training of trainers. In 2012, 450 women were trained in the wake of the local elections. He was part of the team that lobbied strongly for the Gender Neutral Quota which was subsequently adopted and which led to the significant increase from 6% to 30% of women representation in Local Government Bruneau was again a founder member of Men Against Violence (MAV) in 2011 and as Head Trainer, he worked recently on the review of the materials used with youth aged from 12 to 22. The aim of MAV is to create awareness on Gender Based Violence, which is at alarming levels in Mauritius. Bruneau walks his talk – whether in private or in public and should continue to inspire many more in the years ahead


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