Lesotho: Ntholeng Molefi

Date: June 14, 2018
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“It is easier to raise a boy child than to repair a man. No one should be left behind.”

I am a professional Corrections Officer currently practising as a Chaplain for Lesotho Correctional Service. I am responsible for coordinating chaplaincy programs and activities throughout the country. I am an active member of Prison Fellowship Lesotho (PFL) and Association of Lesotho Theologians (ALET). I am directly involved in HIV and AIDS and gender issues nationally and regionally through correctional service and ALET.

I have 15-years experience working with prison community both inmates and staff members. I have been privileged to be awarded the best officer in the rehabilitation of inmates by the Ministry of Justice and Correctional Service.

My enthusiasm for serving God motivates my passion for fostering healthy relationships and showing reverence to all living beings which is my main mission. To value human dignity and respect sanctity of life and live in mutual respect encourages my being.

Marginalisation and silence constitute fertile ground for more HIV transmission. Churches, church theologians and the society at large are not yet ready to talk openly about the subject. It’s still a controversial issue. Gender-based issues, initiatives are associated with women by men. Misconceptions and social/anti-social beliefs and values are fuelling discrimination and stigmatisation.

Through ALET I work to provide a forum for the discussion of theological issues such as HIV and AIDS, gender, human trafficking and transformative masculinities.

Encourage, exchange and sharing of theological ideas and information in order to enhance the lives and ministries of the members of the Association and their communities. I introduce, nurture and maintain principled positive masculinities among males.

Championing gender has made a huge change in my life. There has been a great progressive personal change and transformation taking place in terms of thinking capacity, attitudes and behavioural change towards other people. I learned new things, ideas, terminologies and about psycho-sexual issues. I travelled and met new people and exchanged experiences. I have courage and confidence. I have a new perspective on life and people of different backgrounds. We are equal.