Jacqueline Dursoniah is 56 years old and is a Social worker. She is the founder member of the Non-Government Organisation (NGO) named Civic Action Team situated in Pailles. Jacqueline is currently President of the NGO. The main activities of the association are: Social Services, Socio-economic development Project(s): Setting up of a nursery
Jacqueline Dursoniah discovered her passion and love in helping needy people voluntary at a very young age. She was 19 years old when she started actively to support and help needy people. When she says needy people, she implies “people living in poverty, women suffering from gender based violence, teenage mothers, needy single mothers, old people, youngsters, adolescents- in general all vulnerable groups”. Her father Joseph Raymond Dursoniah is the one who has inspired her in helping people.
She gives support to people when there are any natural disasters like cyclone, flood… etc. She acts like a coordinator. Sponsors, Companies, Volunteers reached out to her to coordinate the distribution of basic needs during disasters.
Apart from offering help to needy people, she also acts like counselor and trainer.
Social Worker
As mentioned above Jacqueline Dursoniah is known as a helping hand in Pailles. She is always helping and supporting families during natural catastrophe in Mauritius.
Apart from helping needy people, together with a group of volunteers she is involved in other social works/ sectors.
She informed that she even accompanied old people to the Social Security Office to help them with their queries.
She said that working for the needy people is not only a social work but her love and care convert that into a profession for her. As mentioned above she said that she gets this passion of helping others from her father Joseph Raymond Dursoniah. She said that never except something in return when you are helping. She believes that many institutions who have the right structure to do things are not doing their job as it should be, thus she is supporting to the maximum.
People in the region of Pailles said that she is a life saver and “porte-parole”.
Her future objectives are:
📝Read the emotional article by @nokwe_mnomiya, with a personal plea: 🇿🇦Breaking the cycle of violence!
— Gender Links (@GenderLinks) December 17, 2024