Mozambique: Gilda Sumbana-Maputo Municipality

Date: July 30, 2018
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Mozambique: Gilda SumbanaMaputo Municipality 

Involvement of Women in solving the problems of Access to Energy as a contribution to the Economic Empowerment of Women and to the fulfillment of ODS) 


Mozambique is located in the sub-Saharan Africa region, which is poor in terms of access to energy; Mozambique is a country rich in mineral and energy resources; It has a lot of potential in renewable energy resources, but they are not sufficiently explored.
Sustainable and equitable exploitation could result in social, economic, environmental benefits and integrated development. There is still a lack of investment in technological investment in a bold, efficient way that looks at the use of renewable energy sources as a solution to many problems;
There is a great lack of involvement of women in the search for solutions; But in the meantime the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development stresses:
• In Part Five, Article 15, 1. the need to involve more and more women in the formulation of policies and in the implementation of economic policies;
• Article 17 underlines the need for Member States to undertake reforms to give women equal rights and opportunities to economic resources, and control and ownership of productive resources, land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources;
• Article 18 encourages States Parties to review their policies and laws so as to enable women to gain access, control and benefit so as to ensure, inter alia, that women have access to modern, appropriate technological and support services; and accessible;
• Unfortunately, the task of providing energy for cooking in many households is still female. 

Project description  

Energias’ store is an initiative that seeks to adapt a new way of getting clean and affordable energy to rural families living in places not yet electrified;
The main objective is to promote and allow access to clean, accessible and environmentally friendly energy to those who need it most;
Promote the economic empowerment of women with  


Empowering new entrepreneurs;
• Bring modern technologies closer to communities that need services;
• Empower beneficiaries on how to use the systems correctly;
• Perform after sales service;
• Design sales plans;
• Repair material and replace batteries; 


Gender specific allocation (Budget used to support 30 new entrepreneurs opening new outlets)   300.000,00MT 
Gender specific integration (Training of 30 new entrepreneurs)   120.000,00MT 
 Supply of initial material   600.000,00MT 
Support for the Rehabilitation of the new Energias stores of the entrepreneurs   120.000,00MT 
Contributed value in cash, support, through partners:
Phaesun helped rehabilitate and offered material to open the first store, worth a hundred thousand Meticais.
Fosera has offered material for payment in flexible installments 


Value Received from the SEED Africa Award   300.000,00MT 
Total    1.540.000,00MT 



Category  Women   Men  Total   % Mulher 
Direct beneficiaries   30   12   42   71,42 
Indirect beneficiaries (e.g. through other beneficiaries)  7300   5200   12500   58,4 
Online beneficiaries (e.g., website access, mailing lists, school articles)  ӿ   ӿ   15400  ӿ 
Total       27942    

Monitoring and evaluation  

To ensure the success of the work carried out are taken into account some actions such as:  

  • A mapping of the intervention zones;
    • There is a control of the sales data of the entrepreneurs;
    • Monitoring and Evaluation is also done through the process of post-sale visits;
    • Control of the material sold
    • Control of the use and operation of the material 


The Energy Store was able to help open 42 new sales points for solar kits, improved stoves and other material; Of the 42, 30 belong to women; Has a new Woman prepared to manage the Energy Store initiative; Women involved in the initiative’s actions demonstrate a change in the way of life and behavior in relation to the environment; Fixed stove in construction in the Moamba area to avoid fuelwood expenses and relieve the woman in the process of frequent firewood search. 

Why this Must be Replicate 

This type of projects must be replicated because it can ensure that there are proper conditions for the business in the replica areas. It is also an opportunity to connect the new entrepreneurs with banking institutions and the sale of the materials, thus guaranteeing a movement of values. In addition, it allows the exchange between entrepreneurs; and ensure the training of the new entrepreneurs, as well as the recycling of the old ones, which means a gain for both.