Nomthandasanqa Phindo – South Africa

Nomthandasanqa Phindo – South Africa

Date: July 1, 2015
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Since I encountered Gender Links, my life has changed. I was short tempered when things were not going my way, and I had lost hope about everything. But now I have words that make me gain courage, and they are “With God all things are possible”.

At Gender Links I met a person by the name of Mpho Matima, who has always talked sense to my life. She always shared her life stories, and I have seen that the problems she encountered are the ones which made her strong. This has helped me to understand my own life’s challenges.

In May 2011, my job contract was terminated at the Municipality, and I went back home. I realised after 3 months that I can not be mopping around at home doing nothing. I started visiting my local Police Station to check if there is space for me in the VEP Centre. I was welcomed because I was there before going to work at the municipality. I started working there as a volunteer lay Councillor dealing with Victims of Rape, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse and harassment.

We are now providing one on one Counselling and talking with political structures giving women advice. We influence women and men who are politically active. Teenagers have been trained to have a positive attitude, and I am also involved in various programs, e.g. on 2 June 2012 we had a Teen Seminar where we met teens who are orphans and who use drugs. All this work is now underway because of the connections that I acquired from Gender links. Now I can face the world and participate everywhere with everyone.


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