RAMININA Justine – Madagascar

RAMININA Justine – Madagascar

Date: November 30, 2015
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“The training on gender changed my way of thinking”

Ms. RAMININA is among those who have been chosen by a representative of the municipality of Ambatondrazaka, Ms. RASOAMANIRY, to participate in the entrepreneurship training proposed by Gender Links (GL) in 2014. She was present at the different stages of training except phase three during which she gave birth to a stillborn baby. Despite this tragedy, she wanted to follow the fourth and final stage to finish properly what she had started.

Ms. RAMININA has always worked. However, her income together with that of her husband was not sufficient to meet the needs of the family, forcing her to borrow money in the neighbourhood and that was often repaid by taking a new loan.

Overwhelmed by the harshness of her daily life, Ms. Raminina took refuge in alcohol and this situation encouraged a violent relationship between her and her husband which was both physical and moral, and violence often took place in front of their children.

Ms. Raminina sells cooked cassava beside the road in the small town of Ambodimanga and she also does laundry. She was aggressive towards her clients, sometimes insulting or nervous, because of alcohol. It was at this time that Ms. RASOAMANIRY, the town councilor, informed her and encouraged her to participate in the training on entrepreneurship offered by GL.

Ms. Raminina was attracted by the project and followed the various stages of training and also applied the lessons and advice from the trainers. Following the training, she changed her behaviour and had clear ideas. She affirmed herself properly and was not aggressive while receiving her customers and she has greatly reduced her alcohol consumption. “The training on gender changed my way of thinking and opened my eyes. Actually, I wanted to make a serious plan and do my best to carry it out.” According to Ms Raminina, her problem arose from the fact that she did not have much idea about how to improve her life. “GL helped me to develop a well-drafted business plan and equipped me with techniques”.

Ms. Raminina learned to keep accounts. She began to take note and write down each transaction with regard to money earned and money spent, allowing her to better manage her stock and limit losses. The benefit she gained has improved and allowed her to put money aside. The money saved then allowed her to expand her business and raise livestock. Presently, Ms. Raminina has two pigs and plans to buy two more from the benefits obtained from the two she currently has.

Following the development of her activities, the life of Ms. Raminina has been marked by various changes. Her character developed and strengthened as she gained self-confidence. Before, she doubted everything and was ashamed of herself. Now, she dares to defend her ideas and maintain a more serene relationship with her husband and her neighbours. In addition, she was able to send her children to school and dress them properly.

Ms. Raminina plans to develop her business and create a catering service in her town. Presently, she is counselling her friends on entrepreneurship techniques and gender issues.


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