Swaziland – Nomcebo Dlamini

Date: July 6, 2018
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“I have been empowered as a disabled woman to stand and be strong in whatever I do.”

As a disabled woman it has been not easy to be where I am. I went to school and immediately after completing my studies I tried to apply on government for employment but due to the fact that I am living with a disability I was made to believe that I cannot reach my goals. However, because I am one woman who do not believe in failure I then ventured to sewing business as a hobby.

I eventually got introduced to Gender Links who, through series of entrepreneurship workshops, has taught me as an individual and a participant how to develop my business plans. They catered for me even if I did not have a plan on how I wanted my business to develop. Through this I have been empowered and gained knowledge on how I can talk confidently and know how to register my business and get trade license.

Nomcebo is an entrepreneur from Sidwashini South in Mbabane in Swaziland. She has a business called Nomcebo’s Sewing and Design. I deal with sewing for all types of people but my main target is for plus size women as it is difficult finding perfect clothes in the shops. Besides sewing I work with women living with disability where I empower them in owning their businesses and make a living out of it like I did. I met with Gender Links through workshops where they taught me how to be a good leader, at home, community I live in and everywhere I could be. In 2013 I was one of the women who stood up during the elections where we were fighting for the physical challenged people to be represented in the parliament.

Gender links has empowered me in that I am now able to stand and talk about anything. They have made me a strong woman who help other women to work hard and never give up in reaching their goals. I have a vision as a woman to move forward and grow as an individual. As a business women, I would like to be remembered not as a physically challenged person but as someone who made a name for herself within the society despite her living condition.

As a gender champion, it is my wish to see women in leadership. In the upcoming elections in 2018 I would like to see a representative of women in parliament so that women can also have a voice in public spheres. In the last elections I was one of the people who took a stand to be a member of parliament but lost in the process. In two years to come, I hope there will be female representation in the parliament.