Tanzania: Abdul Mohamed Ngoromole

Date: July 22, 2019
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Name Abdul Mohamed
Surname Ngoromole
Country Tanzania
Give a short history of the leader Previously, political leaders or government officials, did not want to be involved in KCs initiatives because they were indistinguishable from opponents. Despite the perceptions towards the KC members, still theystrive to share their identity and culture with leaders across the ward, and finally captured their attention hence joined them to pursue the desired outcomes together.
Objectives What KCs need is an opportunity to participate in bringing socio-economic and political development. “Let’s give it to them, we leaders” as they are very committed to inspire changes and development to the communities we lead.
Key activities 1. provide education and awareness about gender issues
2. developing of child protection committee which protects children under 18 years
3. developing different economic projects
4. encouraging women to take part into different political leadership position
Key challenges 1. lack of awareness from community especially about gender issues and volunteering activities
2. low income which prevent from reaching more people in my community


Change at the individual level none
Evidence of change at the individual level none
Change at the household level none
Evidence of change at the household level none
Change at institutional level none
Evidence of change at institutional level none
Change at a policy level Securing the opportunity to attend the Full Council budget meeting for the financial year 2018/19 (the second quarter) and be granted with 15 minutes to present their suggestions and respond to arising questions. This happened recently, in the 3rd week of Febrauary 2018.
Evidence of change at a policy level none
Capacity building KC members are volunteering role models during implementation of developmental projects. For example, Songwa ward secured Tshs. 400 millionss for constructing a ward health Centre. KC members were the only that of the community went to clear a land for building health centre’s foundation.
Lessons learned and shared all members of community are suppose to work together and corporate in different development activities regardless of gender or any other different between them.
Next Steps to keep educating my community about gender issues and it contribution in development and empowering women