Zimbabwe: Phineas Sanyanga

Zimbabwe: Phineas Sanyanga

Date: May 24, 2021
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Name Phineas
Surname Sanyanga
Sex ¨ Female
  √¨ Male
Name of Organisation Redcliff Town Municipality Junior Council
Designation Junior Mayor for Redcliff Town Junior Council
Country Zimbabwe
Province Midlands
City/ Town/ Village City



e.g. 00 27 82 665 1742

+263 (0) 71 846 2639
Age Group (please tick) oYounger than 18 18-25o√ 26-40 o 41-50o 51-60 o 60 +    o
Education level Primary School   ¨ Secondary School o Tertiary o√ Vocational  o Adult literacy o
First met GL Year 2019(then several occasions)   Event  
Encounters with GL since first meeting I had my first encounter with GL during online dialogues held by NJCA. These opened my eyes and approach to youth participation in gender and youth sensitive service delivery.
Phone number 00263 71 846 2639
Email address Phineassanyangagmail.com
Extent of change  
Are you living with a disability √¨ No ¨ Yes




If yes specify type of disability ¨ Physical
¨ Sensory (sight, hearing, taste, speech, smell)
¨ Learning
¨ Mental
¨ Other


“Making my first encounter and appearance with the sessions offered and supported by Gender Links told my inner senses that greatness and experiences were waiting for me on the way. However, it is true that the other instinct was to withdraw since most people in society do miss concept youth participation and dialogue as being political. Little did I know there is a clear-cut difference. A lot had to change; Balancing academics, leadership, grooming, hobbies as well active participation and involvement at local government level. He is a Junior Mayor from Zibagwe.

Development at personal level have been understanding gender comprehensively and ability to apply needed solutions in form of interventions and campaigns on areas having to do with menstrual hygiene, girl-child empowerment, child justice system among others. Life has been evidently changed as Phineas continued to be concerned with the society and its sought development. Gaining knowledge and skills was a major gain in participating on GL sessions either online or face to face.

The family regard a well-informed child as a beacon of hope and sign of a brighter future. The typical reactions of parents staying with Phineas mentioned that it gave them joy on how he came to grow up a guided young man who is concerned and active in community development. “It is refreshing and touching at the same time to see the endeavors of a young man striving to develop other children who might not have gotten the same empowering information or privileges. We are proud,” testified the parents.

Giving credit to Gender Links sessions which varied from gender equality to gender equity, Phineas became a very understanding driver of community sensitive issues which emanates around the areas of gender. In the long run,he was able to network with enthusiastic youth met on various platforms of advocacy and youth dialogues. Up-to-date, the community of Redcliff town where Phineas runs programs from is fairly developing. Donations which varied from food hampers to the less privileged, people living with disabilities in the community, as well as inclusive service delivery (disability-friendly boreholes). These activities called for youth participation and it went a long way in involving the youth responsibly and uphold society principles of Ubuntu.

“Together we can!” became a motto many young adults who took part in the activities began to reiterate. The community of Redcliff town began to have an inclusive approach on budget making to allow child participation as best as possible. Safe spaces for children and youth in the community are currently developing especially play centres to reduce drug abuse. The society itself now believes that children and youth need to be natured as they are leaders of tomorrow. The impact should not be over emphasized since Phineas was part of Gender Links sessions for two years (junior council time frame in office). Redcliff town youths are standing together to develop the community collectively.

 Having officially graduated from the junior council office, Phineas have devised a way to address gender equality and equity matters in the society because he being is guided by the principles learnt from Gender Links that problem needs solutions as they arise to uplift people’s lives in society.

The journey was adorned with challenges such as the lockdown due to Covid-19 regulations. Most business which helped to fund interventions initiated by Phineas had reduced capacity to give financial support. However, the gospel of the new normal led to him finding safe ways to keep the interventions afloat.

Among these is a youth-led association registered by Phineas and colleagues focused to intensify focus on the areas having to do with gender and community sustainable empowerment. The organisation’s name is Youth Advocacy Champions found on Facebook handle as (Youth Advocacy Champions) and YAC-02 on Instagram.








“We shall continue to give back to communities, it is our duty as citizens,” said Phineas.