Changes in family dynamics

Resta Dzvinyangoma: Life after overcoming painful situations

Alderman Resta Dzvinyangoma is the first-born daughter in a family of three girls and two boys. She was deprived of the right to finish her secondary school education by her […]

Additionally, as a dedicated pastor, she takes her advocacy several steps ahead : she shares the beauty and necessity of equality between men and women with the followers of her faith.

Additionally, as a dedicated pastor, she takes her advocacy several steps ahead : she shares the beauty and necessity of equality between men and women with the followers of her faith.

Natacha Hossanny began her career as an officer at the Municipality of Port-Louis (MPL) in 2012. She has known Gender Links (GL) since then and has witnessed the admirable endeavour […]

Zimbabwe: Justina Jani

Zimbabwe: Justina Jani

Women leaders are the best leaders, more positive change come with them. “I thought it was normal for women to be looked down upon and that they should always pave […]

Zimbabwe: Sikhululekile Moyo

Zimbabwe: Sikhululekile Moyo

Enter Action with boldness; If you are unsure of your action do not attempt it: Robert Greene  “Gender Links made it possible to meet other women leaders since I assumed […]

Zimbabwe: Emma Tsuro

Zimbabwe: Emma Tsuro

I have been talking about Gender since long back but I never understood the meaning of it till I got the real meaning from Gender Links. Since then I now […]

May 12, 2021 Themes: Business | Entrepreneurship Programs: Gender & Governance

Zimbabwe: Bridgit Gutsa

Zimbabwe: Bridgit Gutsa

“I thought it is the responsibility of men to take care of women but when I met Gender Links, I realised It was a myth”.  I have a small business […]

May 12, 2021 Themes: Business | Drivers of Change | Entrepreneurship Programs: Gender & Governance

Zimbabwe: Hamunyari Kwendambairi

Zimbabwe: Hamunyari Kwendambairi

“I had lost all hope and self-esteem and I thought that was the end of my life until I met Gender Links who made it possible for me to pick […]

Lesotho: Masilo Malekula

Name Malekula Surname Masilo Country Lesotho Give a short history of the leader During my first term of being a councilor,Gender Links facilitated me on gender equality and told me […]

February 19, 2020 Themes: Gender equality Programs: Protocol @ work

Lesotho: Malekula Masilo

Name Malekula Surname Masilo Country Lesotho Give a short history of the leader If someone is a leader, many people in the community expect many things not even considering which […]

February 18, 2020 Themes: Local Government Programs: Protocol @ work

Anishta Seesurrun – ‘’Be you for you and always with a smile’’

Anishta Seesurrun – ‘’Be you for you and always with a smile’’

This is the motto of Anishta, 33 years old which she elaborates that this quote is about working on yourself for you to become a role model and a source […]

October 7, 2019 Themes: Disability Programs: SADC Gender Protocol & Alliance

Veronique Celestin – Mauritius

Veronique Celestin – Mauritius

One of the most memorable experiences that I have had with Gender Links was our first meeting where all of the survivors told their own stories and I told my story to others who were just like me. We all learned that we are not alone and that other people understand us. I felt free and all of us cried. It was a defining moment for me.

October 2, 2019 Themes: Entrepreneurship Programs: Gender Justice

Dorine Volafite – Mauritius

Elle a quitté l’école en seconde puis s’est mariée Á  14 ans Á  un homme abusif et violent qui la battait. Elle a eu par la suite trois enfants. Tous ses enfants ont très bien réussi et travaillent (dont deux au Canada). Elle a cinq petits-enfants et est maintenant divorcée. Elle travaille le matin dans une boutique où elle vend des snacks et des boissons et l’après-midi elle se déplace sur toute l’île afin de donner des cours de natation Á  des personnes en difficulté. Son activité lui permet de favoriser et de plaider en faveur d’une activité physique régulière et donc en faveur du bien-être et de la santé.

October 2, 2019 Themes: Employment | Entrepreneurship | Gender based violence Programs: Entrepreneurship