âI feel happy to be here; I feel safe because my father is not around, and I can continue with school.â Despite the ban on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in […]
Alderman Resta Dzvinyangoma is the first-born daughter in a family of three girls and two boys. She was deprived of the right to finish her secondary school education by her […]
This is the motto of Anishta, 33 years old which she elaborates that this quote is about working on yourself for you to become a role model and a source […]
I have not yet started my business, but I have it in mind and intend to start it very soon. I am in fact studying and taking courses in child care. As I plan to open a kids’ club once I have finished studying, I know that I will start my business with a solid foundation. Before undertaking the Gender Links courses, I used to work in a hotel. I was appointed as a hostess in the restaurant and then became a hostess at the mini club and finally supervisor at the same club. I worked everywhere, and was not afraid to take up any job. In 2012, I was fired by the hotel management. In fact it motivated me to pursue the career I had always wanted. I have worked with children and love to be with them.
Nancy Mbaura is a holder of a BSc Women & Gender Studies from the Women University in Africa (WUA) and a Zimbabwean, philanthropist and gender activist. She was born at […]
Pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©-Ă©lectorale, les bruits ont couru Ă travers la commune de Maintirano quâaucune femme ne sera admise Ă la tĂȘte de la commune. Ceci pour intimider les femmes […]
Essayons de faire la diffĂ©rence Ratsimbazafy Lala Dervaele est une des bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires de la formation sur le renforcement des capacitĂ©s des femmes candidates maires et conseillĂšres menĂ©e par Gender Links […]
Le changement commence au sein du foyer Jareba Vivian est le Directeur de lâEcole Primaire Publique de Manambaro, une commune situĂ©e Ă une vingtaine de kilomĂštre de Fort Dauphin dans […]
LâĂ©ducation est le garant dâun avenir meilleur pour les jeunes filles Yvonne Christalline est proviseur du lycĂ©e de Manambaro depuis maintenant deux ans. Elle a connu Gender Links (GL) en […]
Claire raised her six children alone after she had been a victim of intimate partner violence for years. After she worked with Gender Links (GL), her life really changed. She gained theoretical knowledge and practical experience she had never thought she would ever have. The concept of gender is one of the things she learnt. Previously, she believed that when we talk about gender we refer to women, while gender is ultimately a concept related to the social construction, women are perceived as weak and passive and are associated with the domestic and private world, while men are seen as strong and enterprising in the public world.
Edwina Kapfudza recalls the day she met her ward councillor and how she was introduced to Gender Links (GL). This took place at a time when she least expected any help from anyone with regard to her experience of gender based violence (GBV). Prior to the introductions, the council held a meeting with the identified survivors of GBV. The idea was to know more about the women’s experiences of GBV before referring them to GL.
Masamba joined GL in July 2014 after being introduced by Zvimba Rural District Council. She enrolled in the entrepreneurship training and was equipped with relevant business skills. The training taught her about all forms of GBV and how to fight domestic violence. Before the training she was thinking that she should focus on just forgetting her past experience of GBV. Later on she discovered that the only way to bury the past and continue with life is through occupying your mind with productive things.