
Sophie Mshangama – Tanzania

Sophie Mshangama – Tanzania

“My first encounter with Gender Links was in 2010, when l attended a workshop on Gender Policy in the Media Houses. l was so moved with the workshop; from the beginning l noticed that l was at the right place taking into account my position of HR in a media house. Since then, l have seen myself differently. My working schedule also has changed. I am able to speak out, about the rights of women. My life also has changed.À

March 23, 2010 Programs: Gender & Media | Women in Media

Francis Banda – Malawi

Francis Banda – Malawi

Banda attributes his interests for gender issues to Gender Links. “I first got introduced to gender and media issues in 2011. It was through a gender workshop organised by Gender Links,” Banda said. “Pushpa Jameson trained us on the importance of mainstreaming gender in media content, and how the media could be an agent for change in advocating for gender equality.” From this moment on, Banda has always been gender conscious when developing programme content and writing news.

June 23, 2009 Programs: Women in Media