Name Malekula Surname Masilo Country Lesotho Give a short history of the leader If someone is a leader, many people in the community expect many things not even considering which […]
“Derrière chaque femme ronde, ena en complexe.” During the last workshop of GL held at Gold Crest Hotel, I got to know who I really was. I always thought I […]
I was working for an NGO called ‘Aides, Infos, Liberte, Espoir et solidarite’ (AILES) when I joined training at Gender Links. I did not have much knowledge and only knew […]
“Working with Gender Links and other stakeholders, changed my mind-set to become more gender aware and focussing on a holistic approach to address gender issues and bring services such as access to […]
“The My Life Program changed my life on gender activist. I also realised that not all men are not good. I realised that kids need love from both parents but unfortunately they get it from a single parent hence […]
Mrs Anuradha Pooran is a dynamic 58 year old woman and is the President of APEDED. She had a tough childhood however she managed to complete her form 5 whilst […]
Whether you are a man or a woman there should be equal work for equal pay was the leitmotiv of Dr. Vasant Kumar Bunwaree at the political dialogue organised by […]
Dr. Arvind Boolell firmly believes that in the spirit of transparency all political parties must relook into their Constitution and make sure that it is implemented. Seasoned and experienced politician […]
One of the most memorable experiences that I have had with Gender Links was our first meeting where all of the survivors told their own stories and I told my story to others who were just like me. We all learned that we are not alone and that other people understand us. I felt free and all of us cried. It was a defining moment for me.
I first met with Gender Links when I attended the entrepreneurship programme and I remember well the first day I went on the course. I was going through a major depression. My depression comes in sequels and that day I went to class empty-headed knowing clearly that I would not be able to assimilate anything. But as Anushka started to explain, I started to feel as though everything was beginning to feel right. It felt as if the clouds of doubt were starting to move away and allowing me to see clearly. I started to feel interested and I started paying more attention to what she was saying. I truly felt a wave of change coming my way.
Marie Josee gained organisational skills and learnt how to manage money and create a profit when she attended Gender Links workshops and training sessions.
Sikhululekile Moyo My major driving mission statements are ” To change your experience, change your perceptions” and “Plan your work, work your plan”. I started off as a youth representative […]