“Gender Links taught me to be independent, do for myself and not rely on someone else” ~Gakemotho Basimolodi
When I first came across Gender Links in 2014 I was very surprised to find them talking about issues I was afraid to discuss. I was afraid to talk about abuse, there were certain words I did not want to use at first but I managed to speak out.
On meeting Gender Links I was taught how to run a business, to save money, to showcase the business across the country and how to use a computer. Ever since meeting Gender Links my life has improved; I was able to get bricks to build my house along with providing for myself and my children. Gender Links taught me to be independent, do for myself and not rely on someone else.
Currently I am not experiencing any abuse and I am financially much better off than I was during my last encounter with Gender Links. I run a registered tailoring business in Serowe which is doing quite well. I have come across some challenges like a shortage of funds and machinery breaking down but I overcame them by taking helpful advice from different people.
The person who was most helpful to me at Gender Links was Mrs K. Ntsabane by advising me to go to different hotels advertising my business. Botshelo helped by giving us money for transport while Gomolemo Rasesigo made sure I moved forward. The skills and knowledge I got from the trainings included budgeting; it helps because I can follow it and know what I need to do and buy.
Other influential people in my life were my children; they were very supportive and encouraging. The change in my life has brought a change in the way I interact with my family. I can be around them and help in planning wedding celebrations for our children. I am able o talk to them; laugh and work together like a family. Previously I was unable to enter certain places but now I visit my neighbours, talk to them and share in laughter.
As Gakemotho, I would love to see my children get well educated and be able to provide for themselves as I am doing now. I wish to see myself living a better life, moving forward; owning a car which I can use to transport heavy materials. I am very grateful to Gender Links for everything that they have done for me.